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Showing posts with label advanced dog commands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advanced dog commands. Show all posts

First 7 Basic Commands You Should Teach Your Puppy

first 7 basic commands you should teach your puppy

Here's a list of the first seven basic commands you should teach your new puppy before you continue with fun and challenging tasks:

The first essential command your dog should learn is his name. Use it in positive situations, eg. If you offer a toy or a treat. Do not use it in situations that will disappoint your dog before leaving him alone.

Name, go
This command is unknown but important, as it encourages your dog to follow him. It also gives the dog the idea that you are responsible.

Name, paragraph
This command teaches your dog to walk by your side instead of running without you. This command works well with the "Let's go" command.

Do not do it
This is an obvious command you must teach your dog. This should refer to things that seem unacceptable to you as good behavior of your dog. If something is bad or bad, say "no" to warn your dog. This will help to heal the bad habits that all dogs are exposed to.

Sit down and stay
It is more important to educate your dog to think. It teaches your dog to stay and pay attention to what he should do or learn. This makes training much easier and less frustrating for you!

Wait and it's good
This command works with the Sit and Stay command. It reminds your dog that you are the leader. This command could work by preventing your dog from suddenly leaving. This can include places like walkways or doors.

It's also a command that helps to make the workout less stressful. If you want to train your dog to move, crawl, kill, etc. then this is a must! This makes training to cheat much easier!

The greatest motivator in training is you. To be a good teacher, think about these three things: constancy, clarity, and compassion.

Be consistent
Make sure you pronounce the same commands in similar situations. The last thing you want to do is make your dog confused and frustrated during the workouts!

Be clear
Say too much when you train your dog. Make sure you speak doglish and not english. Make sure you stay upright!

Be compassionate and praise a lot!
It is true that a good "good dog", happy! It can be as rewarding as a gift.

These are some of the most important things to learn obedience training your dog. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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