Doggy Dan Online Dog Trainer Review - Read this letter to see the Doggy Dan program on how to train a good dog.


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Showing posts with label international dog trainers schools for dog trainers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label international dog trainers schools for dog trainers. Show all posts

Master Dog Trainer School - The best place to start your dog training

the best place to start your dog training

Hey what's going on folks Bella back mashes dog training here you guys are sending me a lot of questions about international dog trainers I guess because we're we're working with the puppy now and raising the puppy halo our little German Shepherd puppy for the soldier so people want to know what are we doing on a daily basis I've done a couple of videos with him nothing very extravagant because at this stage there isn't a lot of going on it's more about raising the dog properly than then doing the the type of training people wonder about the obedience training and stuff so I'll walk you I'll walk you through a day a little bit here and and see if that clears up some of the things that we're talking about normally my puppies sleep well my dogs sleep in my room they're on the floor they sleep in my room they're not created at night once they are over a year old so they sleep where they want they tend to sleep my dogs do sleep in my room.

I've had one dog by our German Shepherd always slept at the front door he didn't sleep in the room with the other dogs the rest of them sleep around the bed on the floor with halo it's a little different we're keeping him in the living room right outside my bedroom door close by but you got to understand guys there's going to come a time where we have to give this dog up and that's going to be very tough that's going to be tough on the family there's no doubt about How to master dog training I mean we've never given a dog away before but we knew what we were doing when we got into this so and and to be fair to the dog I want that tight bond with him of course like we have with all our dogs but I got to think about the dog too when we turn him over to that family we have to have a very stable dog that's not so attached to me or my family that he suffers so at this point he sleeps in the living room in a crate of course right outside my bedroom and he's fine with that that's that's not a problem he has slept through the night since the first day I brought him home and I've never had a puppy do that before and that's a beautiful thing.

International Dog Trainers

So the way my day starts okay I wake up usually around 5:30 in the morning I get up I take the puppy out first I take halo outside I don't take him out with my other dogs at this point I do almost everything separate I don't want him being a pain in the butt to the other dogs and being distracted by the other dogs or bonding really tight with the other dogs I want him paying attention to me so at this stage he's 17 weeks old I think or 18 weeks old I still do everything separate every now and then I let him out for if I'm going to throw the ball for buddy and Luke I'll let him out to chase them around okay but everything is very structured as far as what he does with the other dogs so around 5:30 in the morning sometimes six o'clock I go to his crate I pick up a leash I don't put a leash on him in the house he's a puppy so sometimes they'll get excited in pee so for the people that asked me the same question that your puppy pees every time you go to touch him or put the leash on I could film that for you if you want to just send me some requests so what I do is I pick up the leash I go to his crate I open the door I don't make any contact with him I don't pay attention to him I don't talk to him I opened the door and I walk her all the way down the hallway to my garage door to the door that leads to the garage.

He knows the routine so he goes straight there and he waits for me at the door then I opened the door he goes out he usually gets a drink of water and then we go outside and he does his business I let him run around I let him play a little bit and then I call him to me I ask him to sit and then I put the leash on the reason I put the leash on there is I want to be able to control him on the way into the house I don't want him running around or blowing me off so I put the leash on after he's done going to the bathroom and running around have some playtime then I put the leash on now this is one other thing to pay attention to I don't always go straight in the house after I put the leash on because what happens a lot of you guys say you know the dog won't come to you you know you use the same scenarios like this and you put the dog on the leash and then what you do is you go right straight back into the house and create the dog if you do that every time do you really think that that puppy's going to want to run to you knowing that he's going to go inside and his free time is up No so sometimes I'll take them for a little walk sometimes I'll just hang with them and play with them and sometimes we go straight back in the house so I never do anything all the time I'm always mixing things up you understand what I mean so let's say at this point I go back in the house now when we're done outside.

Schools For Dog Trainers

I put him back in his crate I prepare his food I feed him while I open his crate you guys saw me what I do when I feed him I don't do that every time I feed him so he's not working and interacting with me every time I feed him so again I don't do anything all the time I'm always changing things up and keeping it fresh and mixing things up okay so I feed him as soon as he's done eating I tell him kennel up he goes back in his kennel now I take the other two dogs out buddy and Luca um sometimes I feed them first and then take them out sometimes I take them out bring them in and then feed them all right so it varies whatever whatever I feel like doing that day then I go about getting ready for work we do all that stuff before I leave for work I take halo out one more time dog training school all right he doesn't have any free time to run around the house without either a leash on him or he's in his crate period he's a seventeen week old puppy guys he is never out of my sight if he's out of my sight he is in the crate he doesn't get free time to run around and play he's a puppy if he does he's going to cause problems period he's going to have accidents he's gonna chew things and pick things up and destroy things it's normal.

so there is no free time so if he's hanging with me out of the crate there's a long line on where I can control him or he's in his crate period throughout the day we take him out several times a day training sessions are very short you know nothing planned a couple of minutes here a couple of minutes there sometimes we'll work on the basic things like come sit down in place but it may be two minutes worth of training you know we'll do a lot of playing and we'll just we'll just hang out with them socialization many people feel well I got to socialize my puppy they take that dog to places and get them around as many people they introduce them to as many people as possible and as many dogs as possible I don't do that yes we take our dog to a lot of different places we expose them to a lot of things we expose them to people and dogs but on a very limited basis okay he's met different dogs before but under my control he doesn't need to meet and play and socialize with every dog he sees and the same thing with people I want him to be around people a lot but I want him to be very neutral you know so just the other day I told some of the kids in the neighborhood I say guys listen.

I need you to help me train halo so what I need you to do is when you see him outside and he's off leash I need you to ignore him and they were devastated they're like well why why can't we play with him and I said here's the here's the reason guys he already sits there and waits for the kids to get off the school bus if you have a puppy every time someone sees him you know they get the puppy voice they get him excited they're crazy they're playing with them they're worked up what do you think that dogs going to do when he's a year old he's going to see people and he's going to want to run up and greet everyone and you can't have that so you want to have the dog's attention at all times of course you want him to be social with people but you don't have to have people physically interacting with them because what you do is you you take a good risk at someone doing something stupid to really mess that dog up a little bit you know these puppies they go through these fear periods where all of a sudden they're scared of things or you know certain things kind of freak them out you have someone that does something stupid let's face it there's a lot of people out there to do a lot of stupid things when it comes to dogs.

You know I get the question all the time hey how how should I approach a dog well approach them like I do you don't you don't approach dogs period leave the freaking dogs alone you know if the dogs really want to interact with you and I'm not talking about puppies I'm talking about dogs they'll let you know you know but uh you take a lot of risk there so I try to limit it I was a little I was a little lacks with it in the beginning so I even had to tell my family guys you gotta you gotta cut it off a little bit I know everybody wants to play with them he's a cute puppy but you know for me I just can't have and now the things I'm telling you I'm telling you what I do I'm not telling you this is what you have to do it's a must people ask what do you do with your dogs they see I have very well behaved dogs and very social dogs so they want to know I know I've been there I've done the same thing I've always wondered - so these are the things I do and you know we do this daily several times a day taking them I take them out a lot you know he's going to sleep in his crate until he is one year old.

International Dog Trainer School

No matter how well trained he is and then you know my rule of thumb is they're not left loose in the home on it you know without us being there until they're two years old sometimes it even takes a little longer depending on the type of dog but those are guidelines that I follow for a very long time and work very well so you guys asked you you know create your dogs at night do you create your dogs when you're home no what's the purpose of having a dog if they will spend their life in a crate I put a lot of work in for the first two years so I could have a very well-behaved self-sufficient dog so once we hit about two years old the dogs are free in the house you know we don't have problems ever our dogs have never destroyed anything we don't come home to the garbage knocked over but it's because of the work we put in when when when they're young you know and it goes a long way I do these workshops guys I see you know a lot of clients and what I'm seeing is so many messed up dogs I'm seeing people that compete at a high level in different dog sports but yet their dogs are a basket case you know there's so much anxiety we create this stuff in the home so these little things that I do with our dogs it goes a long way you have to be able to leave your dog alone.

If you're with a puppy 24 hours a day and he follows you from room to room then all of a sudden the dogs a year old and you decide well I have to leave them now you can't expect a dog to be okay with that and that's where a lot of these problems come from you got to start creating some separation when they're young so I'll put them in different crates even in different places you know I'll create them in the garage I'll create them in plastic crates wire crates I've recently started put hallo in the big pen you know in the garage because that's going to be a lot scarier to him it's possible anyway so what I do when I put them in there I do for just a few minutes in the beginning I make sure the other dogs are out there with them so that gives him some comfort and that's how he learns that he could stay away from us in in different places and different scenarios you have to make the dogs mentally tough at this age this is when you want to do it guys I promise you and I'm sure there's plenty of other trainers out there I get calls every day people losing their dogs because they can't create them they can't leave them uncrated because they destroy everything they suffer from from different forms of anxiety and separation and it's a horrible thing and it's very tough to deal with once it gets to that level so a lot of the training we do with the puppy it is creating that behavior.

That we want at this point all right the you know the obedience stuff that's easy all the the bite work stuff that's easy that's just a process that's just a matter of doing a process so you know that's that's what we do with our our puppy right now I hope this this makes it a little clearer for you and it's nothing special but that's that's pretty much our daily routine all right oh and another thing one last thing I think one last thing get your puppy in the car go different places too many dogs and puppies are scared to death to be in a car and then when I ask people I said well they ever been in a car yeah yeah every now and then okay where do you go and the answer is usually to the vet and to the groomer okay so every time your dog gets in the car at the end of the trip is someplace that usually causes a lot of stress they don't like to go so you have to put your dog in the car when they're young and go to the park and throw a ball or you know just go for a ride and then come back home and being the car and you know give them some food when they're hanging out with you or give them a toy just go for drives and you can't just put your dog or your puppy in a car and go to the vet and think that every time your dog gets in the car.

Detection Dog Training

It's going to be okay so prepare your puppy for the rest of its life okay you got it now guys you have to do it you have to make your dogs mentally tough so you want to expose them to everything that you could possibly think of that an adult dog may encounter in his lifetime all right thanks UH one more thing that I forgot that you guys asked me about how to master dog training you folks with a big beautiful yard that leave your young dogs your puppies in the yard all day I don't leave my dogs for one I don't have a fenced yard yeah I don't want one at this point I do not leave a puppy or a younger dog in a yard unattended at all at all because they are still going to get into things most of them are going to dig they're going to chew your gutters they're going to do something they're gonna chew outdoor furniture so no your puppy does not need alone time in the backyard so again this is just what I do you do whatever you want with your dogs but when my dogs are young especially at the puppy stage they are never unattended and you know if they are unattended they're created period all right see you oh I lied one other thing I forgot I hope just one other thing a majority of the time my puppy spends out of the crate he is off leash okay off leash I use the leash when there's a purpose for it like I said before when I put the leash to bring the dog back in the house if I don't he's going to go in the house and run around like a lunatic and get into things or not want to go back in the house or when I'm training.

Specific training exercises where the leash is there to be beneficial but for the most part my dogs from day one the majority of the time they're with me out and about they are off leash okay guys too many people they put the leash on the dog from day one and before you know it the dog is three months old four months old eight months old and the dog's been on leash forever and the second he gets off leash guess dog training what the dog is gone because it's such a novelty being off leash is never a novelty for my dogs okay long before any econ was ever started or before he colors were even being used as they are today my dogs have always been off leash it should not be a novelty for a dog to be off leash so get your puppy used to being off leash with you from day one and then it's never a big issue then they're just used to it it's not a novelty all right hope that's the last thing off leash outside not in the house you understood that part right because someone's going to say you said keep a leash on the dog all the time when he's with you in the house outside when you're doing things hanging with your dog outside that's what I meant man it's hard to cover everything folks face. I hope you have found how to master dog training in this articel, and you can make starting fast.

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