Doggy Dan Online Dog Trainer Review - Read this letter to see the Doggy Dan program on how to train a good dog.


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Ways to House Train the New Puppies

ways to house train the new puppies

Frustrated dog owners often bring their furry friends into shelters because they have stopped their education at home. In this article you will learn about how to house training your puppy. Do not be one of them. The success depends on the time the owners spend training their puppies. Bathing is a crucial aspect of home training that puppies should learn in the first few months of their home stay. It's a lesson that will last a lifetime, so get it right the first time.

Puppies are usually born six months before the end of the training. You see, they still do not have complete control of the bowel and bladder. At this point, you can not leave them alone and expect no disaster on your return.

Dog Training House - How To

The constant presence of the owner certainly helps in training new puppies, but sometimes this is not possible. If this happens, leave the puppy in a place that proves this. The floor of the chosen room must be different from other parts of the house. It will be easier for dogs to identify the type of soil to be removed.

First cover the floor with absorbent material or some newspapers. The puppy poops and pees at random. As you get older, you will start to prefer a place. Here he begins to reduce the paper-protected area until the dog stops walking everywhere and prefers the toilet paper cover.

Owners who just want their puppies to use the number one and two papers have completed puppy training. However, those who want their four-legged friends to learn to leave should read more. The use of the dog test room should be limited to cases where you are absent for a long time.

What about dogs who spend a lot of time in cages? The papers can be placed in a corner of the wooden container. You can use it as a toilet when you are inside. Dogs are known as clean animals, so it is not important to pollute their sleeping place. So they improve their self-control.

Outdoor training for puppies requires that they be brought to their care place every 45 minutes. When you're done with urination or shit, shower it with praise. Celebrate your big success by overcoming congratulations. Something important was learned that day and your puppies should know.

Keep feeding your new pets regularly. Do not limit access to drinking water. When eating, you do the opposite. Wait for the puppies to finish their training at home before letting them roam freely around the house. To speed this up, ask the puppies to wear a long necklace with one end at the waist. Dogs will appreciate the closeness and have few opportunities to crap.

From time to time, errors continue to occur. Avoid scolding or punishing the dog. He will not understand what happened and you could make him nervous. Worse, the puppy may associate the punishment with the elimination, which could be a setback that might occur.

For puppies who train at home, it is best to have a sense of humor and patience. A quiet owner relaxes your pet and makes teaching easier. Learn to relax by following the timetables.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to potty train your puppy. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Aggressive Dog Behavior And How To Stop It

aggressive dog behavior and how to stop it

If you own a dog, it is important to know if your dog behaves aggressively and how to stop it. In most cases it is difficult to determine the root of the aggression. In most cases, this starts at the puppy stage, when some bad habits are tolerated. The puppy continues to do many things to get what he wants. Clicks, pinches, and barks can be very weak at first, but they can also become dangerous signs of aggression if they are not under control. Incorrect attention to these habits only reinforces them. As a result, an aggressive dog evolves and feeds it.

It is very difficult to stop the aggression at a later time, but it is still possible for the dog to overcome the aggression with a little help. One of the most common signs of aggression is the dog's negative behavior towards its own food. It is totally unacceptable for a dog to growl or growl at someone approaching their food. It is also a sign of aggression when the dog is hostile to strangers or other dogs. If you see these signs, you must try to control your dog's behavior. After you have recognized the signs of aggression, you are ready to stop them.

These are just some of the things you need to know about aggressive dog behavior and how to stop it:

1. Give your dog a specific room.

For these efforts, it is most important to have a specific place for you and your dog. Set up a specific area where both can interact privately. Distracting other people is strictly prohibited so that your dog can focus on what he is trying to strengthen.

2. Find the best ways to discipline him.

Do your best to recreate the scenario when it shows its aggression. For example, if you usually growl when you feel a threat near your food, you should use this situation to discipline it. Put a bowl of your favorite food near you. Allow him to eat and when he starts to eat, position himself carefully and turn the body so that he stands between his dog and his food plate.

3. Give your dog a strict "no".

If you try to growl, just say a strict word "NO" and touch it on the neck. Your dog should be sitting here. If you try to get up, let him sit down or lie down quickly. Take this form of control until you show no signs of aggression. Your dog must receive a reward or gift when he shows his submission so he knows that this is the kind of behavior you want to derive from it. Keep in mind that a dog owner can maintain a happy and healthy relationship with his pet as he learns to recognize and stop a dog's aggressive behavior. This is worth the effort you have made to make your pet very friendly.

If you are not well prepared or trained, all dogs are probably aggressive. It can already start with 6 weeks. This is the most important age for a puppy and this is the time when a puppy must be exposed to other people, dogs and basically their environment.

It is also an important step to start training your puppy to avoid or avoid biting others. These stages of "socialization" last about fourteen weeks or even more or less.

In this period, between 6 and 14 weeks, you have to do different things. First, do not remove your puppy from the trash. Second, do not use harsh words to punish your puppy if he was bad or behaved badly.

During the 8 and 10 weeks, the dog should be treated very gently. It is possible that many people may not know it, but the screaming and punishment of a puppy or puppy can cause aggressive behavior over time.

The most important thing is to make contacts and let the dog out. A dog or puppy must be present to see the world, other dogs and humans, and this must happen before the age of 14. That way, you can make sure that you are not aggressive in the future.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on stop aggressive behavior with your dog. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Dog Obedience Training Made Easy

dog obedience training made easy

Dog obedience training refers to the strategies he uses to impose good and healthy behavior on his dog while suppressing negative behaviors. To effectively train your dog to be obedient, you should be familiar with the basics. Effective communication with your dog is the most important factor in any dog ​​training. In this article I will discuss with you some basic training techniques that you can use to reinforce your dog's obedient behavior.

First, understand that dogs understand the tone and body language, not the verbal instructions. This means that, of course, it is better to stop bad behavior with just one word than anything else. Let me put it another way: when a dog sown mayhem in his house, it is not very effective to make the dog more obedient when giving a lecture to the dog or rubbing his nose. They do not understand this kind of communication very well. But a quick one is not easy to understand.

In addition, the communication must be constant. Because dogs recognize the tone of their voice and body language, it is important to use the same tone and body language to enhance their behavior. For example, if you order your dog to come to you, if he has wronged you, reinforce the fact that coming to you is associated with a punishment. It would be better to call them when they have done something positive to increase their love for them.

Let's not neglect the hand signs as tools for forming an obedient dollar. Have you ever seen a dog on TV who did a great job just because the trainer beckons to him? Manual signals are an excellent tool for dog obedience training. However, you must be able to maintain your attention to be effective. When you teach them for the first time with hand signals, you control the distractions around them.

Finally, make sure it's fun. If you teach your dog to be obedient with a warm and loving heart, you are much more likely to train successfully than if you were to do it with anger or resentment.

The dog obedience training begins with the owner. There are several tips to keep in mind before you start dog training. First, understand that dogs have an attention period that does not exceed ten minutes. Training routines should therefore be limited to this period. Second, every workout has to be positive. Reward your dog for the right behavior and always finish your obedience training positively.

Training a dog means going to work for a person. If you do not get well, you will stop working. Having fun is a big advantage! Third, remember to be consistent. For example, if you give your dog your plate, you can not expect that he will not plead with you when the company arrives.

Work with him everyday to strengthen basic skills and behaviors. Use the same controls and signals every time. If your behavior wears off, see how you can be responsible. Then learn the action before you mark it with a command. For example, before you say "Fido, sit down," show him the following technique, which is a position. Then reward it by saying "sit well" when sitting. After a while you can say "sit down" and he will know what it means.

Finally, remember that you will get more cooperation if you are positive and patient. Instead of forcing your dog to sit down, bring him a treat and then put it over your head until you feel it take him. Reward him not only with the treat, but with many compliments. These general rules help every dog ​​owner to successfully apply the basic command of dog obedience training.

Let's take a look at these basic commands for dog training. We have just learned to sit down. While sitting, let the sweets sink under the dog's neck. When the dog bends down to take it, gently pull on it so it can lie comfortably. First, you may need to hold on to your ass to know that you do not want it to come out of the sitting position. Flexible early-stage counseling is acceptable. Reward when your dog has four elbows on the ground.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to train your dog command use hand signals. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


How Do I Stop My Dog From Chewing Wood? - Discover Techniques Now

how do i stop my dog from chewing wood

Does chewing your dog kill everything you have? Dogs chewing wood objects are a big problem for many dog ​​owners. If you were a dog, you would also like wood. The wood smells good, tastes good and has a nice texture for dogs. So you see, it will be difficult to solve this problem. You must stop your dog from chewing everything discover many different techniques to find out what works best for your dog. Then you have to combine them with training techniques. OK, let's start.

Dogs need enough exercise.

Depending on the breed of your dog you need 20 minutes to several hours daily. This can include things like walking, running or swimming. If you have water nearby, swimming will burn the extra energy very fast. If you live in the city, it can be a bit harder to let your dog go. You can ride a bike while your dog is running. If you play to pick up your dog, do not use a stick. This will increase your desire for wood.

Dogs also have a spirit!

Your dog needs your sometimes stimulated mind like us. Otherwise, they may become bored and engage in destructive behavior. Working breeds like German Shepard, Rottweiler, Boarder Collie and many others are very affected by this problem. There are very good games to strengthen your brain for your dog. You can check with your veterinarian, the local pet store and even the local grocery store.

Puppies are like babies.

Babies explore the world around them and check them while they put them in their mouths. Puppies do the same. Did you ever have to take care of a house? You have to do the same for puppies. Make as many things as you can, or where you can not reach them. This eliminates a large amount of unwanted destruction.

At first it was your favorite flip-flops, but now it's these beautiful heels. Your dog has to stop chewing! If you have a dog at home, you know that chewing for dogs is an instinct and that they behave according to their learned instinct and behavior. In the dog world, chewing is completely normal and a necessity in the first 12 months of a dog's life as the dog then goes through its break-in phase.

Your dog can take care of everything in your house and chew your books, shoes, chairs, toys or even your important documents. Avoid your dog chewing all your favorite things and teaching them good manners before you go too far. You can start by encouraging your dog to eliminate his toothing needs himself. So always keep chews ready for your dog. If you have noticed that your dogs are used to chewing, you will find that you like to chew leather and shoes for two reasons. You feel your beloved teacher and two, he just has a delicious taste. So what you should do is make your dog's chew more attractive than your shoes. Fill the hollow part of your chew toy with treats so your dog eats it all day. You can throw chews into your laundry basket and the smell may well be on your friend's skin.

In addition, you must teach your dog obedience at this age, as you can learn the most during this time. Since biting dogs is very natural, show your dog that it is not okay to chew on shoes, shoes or anything else. You can do this with a single command such as 'no' or 'stop', but make sure you only use one command to do one action so as not to confuse your little bitch. If you see your dog heading for something or if you put something in your mouth, take it out and give it the chew toy.

If you have more than one dog, keep the one who has the habit of not biting from those who do not bite because it is a habit that is easily contagious. You should also have additional toys for chewing, so that the other has something to chew when a dog takes a toy. Once your dog has learned to chew on his own toy, reward him with treats, compliments, and friendly gestures to let his dog know he's doing something right.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on obedience dog training. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Housebreak Your Dog

housebreak your dog

If you try to steal your dog, a lot of patience is required. Once you bring the dog home, steal your home immediately. In this article you will learn how to housebreak your dog. Usually, dogs need help at least six times a day. It is recommended that you take your dog after eating to avoid pressure on the colon and bladder. For puppies, good housekeeping should be helpful if you do not want the whole house getting dirty. Keeping your dog in a cage or small area with easy-care floors will keep your home clean.

There are several ways to raise your dog. Whatever options you choose, it's important that you understand your dog. The main nature of dogs is that they want to please their owners. The trick is to let them know what you want. Dogs are like humans. If you are not satisfied with your action, immediately show your disapproval. Show how angry you are. If you caught the dog when you got up, immediately show your disapproval. Tell the puppy that it is a bad thing to cause a catastrophe. That is why some dogs do so in suitable places and are guilty.

There are dog owners who think that the dog is sneaky, although he does not understand that the actions are bad. Sometimes they know that creating a disaster is a bad thing, but they do not understand how to stop it. The trick is to catch the dog in the act. Make sure you let him know that what he did was wrong. There is no need to hit the dog. The tone of your voice and the expression of detuning are enough. A signature is not enough. Take him outside Wait until the dog walks again and if he praises.

Cash training is a must. Remember that a dog kept in the cage all day becomes uncontrollable, destructive and noisy. If you are working, find someone to take your dog and go for a walk with him. If this is not possible, just use the box at night. One suggestion is to find a room without a carpet. Buy pillows, food, water and toys. Set up. Give your pet something to eat while you're away. Be prepared to invest time and energy in designing the home. Your efforts will take a long time.

Home training is a normal natural behavior in which the new dog should not use too much punishment if his dog has an accident. Too much punishment can be counterproductive to teaching the dog never to visit the owner. Getting rid of the house really means controlling your dog's behavior, catching him in an accident and forcing him to go to the right places.

The first step is to put your dog in a cage. The cage will trap your puppy or dog when you are not there to monitor your dog. Your dog must learn that the only acceptable place is nature. If you make it a habit to go there, training your dog may take much longer.

Teaching behavior to a dog has consequences. There are two types of consequences, positive and negative. We have to be careful when using some kind of negative reinforcement or punishment. There are side effects associated with the punishment. There are no side effects associated with positive reinforcement.

It is best to train your dog by putting him in the cage when he is not there. If you are home with your dog, never let your dog disappear. Before your dog has an accident, get your dog out and reward it as soon as it's done.

Bringing your dog outdoors before an accident in the house can greatly speed up the training process in the home. It is important to remember when your dog has to leave. For puppies, they usually have to leave water 5 to 10 minutes after eating or drinking. After chewing and running, they also have to go outside. By removing them before they have an accident, they learn that the only acceptable place is outside.

If you go out with your dog, you should always bring treats. If your dog starts walking, do not tell your dog. If you rent your dog while he urinates, it can sometimes lead to interruptions and your dog stops. Week until your dog is completely finished and then give him the reward.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to toilet training your puppy. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Dog Barking: Most Frequent Barking Problems

most frequent barking problems

Barking is one of the most common complaints about the behavior of dogs. In this article you will learn how to stop your dog from barking when left alone. Apart from the behavior, a barking dog is probably the motive of choice for many owners who are not dogs.

Most dogs get loud when they are exposed to something new or unusual. Like most dog behaviors, barking is usually a symptom of an unfulfilled need. Barking is simply a means of communication for dogs, be it to other dogs, to family members or to the world in general. This may be an attempt to monitor an area or warn intruder owners. As dogs are social animals, this could be a symptom of loneliness and an attempt to attract attention by announcing the chorus of their unseen colleagues, who, however, is very good to hear in the morning and says, "Yes, I am here, too. "Lack of exercise and interaction with people or other dogs can cause bells, as can boredom if you stay alone in the house for a long time.

If your neighbors complain about the barking of your dog when you are away from home, first buy a voice-activated recorder and place it in a place where your dog pulls the tape off when he barks. You may find that your neighbor is wrong about the actual barking of your dog (note the bark it records). You can know exactly why you are barking (for example, listen to a vehicle rolling before each bark) for some ideas on how to get rid of the behavior. But notice that there is really a problem before you try to fix the situation.

If you know you have a problem, you can ask your neighbors for help. Neighbors help you with this problem! Ask them to pour water on excessive barking or to blow cans with pennies, etc.

Take the complaint of a neighbor in any case seriously, even if this is not justified. There are more dogs fighting because dogs are barking than ever, and dogs have been injured or killed by neighbors who wanted a good night's sleep.

Some dogs bark at everything they see and hear. Some dogs stop barking when they can not hear or see intruders. If the dog makes noises in the house, place it in the kitchen or laundry room with a box or bed away from windows, walls, and corridors, and turn on the radio before leaving home. the room. House. Classical music stations can work better. They have fewer interruptions by advertising with bells and other noises that could cause barking. Limit the bitch in the room with baby doors on the doors without closing them so they do not panic.

There is evidence that barking is an inherited trait: when parents bark a lot, their puppies are also likely to bark.

Often, one method of alleviating barking is to give your dog the specific permission to bark. Teach him to "talk"; If necessary, have him "talk" (eg playing in the park). Then follows "do not talk". However, there is often a problem when the dog is alone. The following methods describe other ways to solve this problem. It is possible to train the dog to stop barking by ordering reward techniques, braking techniques or halter and line exercises.

The training of a dog to remain silent with the command allows him to continue to bark under stimuli, but stops at his request. Then, rewards for discrete behavior are awarded.

For each additional workout, the dog must be silent for a little longer before the reward is awarded. It is much harder to teach a dog to stop barking in the presence of stimulation. To be successful, the barking must be stopped immediately at the beginning and the process repeated until the dog barks at the stimulus (if it can be rewarded).

Punishment is usually ineffective in controlling and correcting bark problems. Excessive punishment can increase anxiety and exacerbate the problem, while insufficient punishment only rewards behavior with attention.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on stop your dog from barking when him alone in home. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


3 Solid Proof Tips on Toilet Training Puppies - Learn How to Stop Your Pet From Messing Carpets!

learn how to stop your pet from messing carpets!

As with all types of dog training, puppies who learn to use the toilet, you need the owner to be consistent and patient. In this article you will learn toilet training your dog. Keep in mind that puppies can not control their intestines and bladder them before the age of 12 weeks and often eliminate it without realizing it. Cleaning up the confusion they are making is a natural part of the process, and it is not logical to yell at the dog or meet him for something he can not control or remember. A dog has to be taken home once or twice to know that it is illegal and illegal.

Dress puppy for the bath, Part 1 - Watch the clock

While the puppies train in the bathroom, it is also important to control the time. Keep in mind that young puppies generally want to urinate or perform within 15 to 20 minutes of their diet. Make sure you take them out before they sniff and leave. These two things are the most common signs that a dog is looking for a place to eliminate and if you can not find it quickly, it will do exactly where it is. In addition, young puppies can not control their physiological needs, they must ensure that they sleep before and after sleep / leave and after the game. In addition, physical activity increases metabolism and can lead to an unexpected catastrophe.

Dress puppies in the bathroom, Part 2: Your dog needs his little place

If you go to the bathroom, train, use puppy, create the cage or a small cave, where your dog feels good and can sleep, so he knows in his exit area elimination 'is not a solution. Dogs are naturally clean animals and throw their garbage only when forced to do so.

Make sure you spend a lot of time with your dog in your lair or bring your cage close to your workplace during the day. Your dog needs to feel safe and welcome in his new home. It is your responsibility to monitor your puppy and seek clues indicating that the "elimination time" is approaching. Take it out, say "do your things" and congratulate if I eliminate it. This increases the habit of urinating and defecating outdoors, and is a crucial element in puppy training.

Once you start your dog, more reliably expand acting cave or move the cage in another room. This happens to show you another part of the house, and show you can continue to explore if you act responsibly and eliminate it outside.

Swimming Training Puppy Part 3 - Show her where the toilet is

During their training to use the toilet, the puppies are preparing to eliminate a special area in your garden where you bring your puppy. Clean it from time to time as the dog can not take it to a dirty, stinking place. Also, congratulate the dog by urinating instead of hiring him when he returns from the farm. Very often dogs realize that they only have to play a bit on the outside in order to get a reward and do not take the time to dispose of it properly (which gives them a great chance to learn more late a messy place the carpet). That's why you should look at what your four-legged friend is doing.

As has been said, getting puppies to go to the bathroom requires some stamina and patience, but the rewards are worth it. Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to toilet train your dog. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


5 Essential Puppy Toilet Training Tips

5 essential puppy toilet training tips

If you are considering getting a new puppy, you are probably imagining this pretty little skin pack with the big brown eyes and all the happy moments you will spend together. In this article you will learn how your puppy to toilet training. However, before you get carried away and hurry to find your new puppy, you must first develop a nursing training plan.

Here are 5 important tips for caring for the puppy to keep an eye on.

1. Puppies have a weak bladder

By the age of about six months, puppies have a weak bladder and often need to go to the bathroom. Get ready for some accidents. If your puppy accidentally leaves a puddle (or worse) on your carpet, immediately clean it with a suitable cleaning fluid to remove odors. When the smell stops, your puppy thinks it's his toilet and returns there.

2. Always pay attention to the signs

When your puppy starts to feel the ground and the circles, this is a good sign that he wants to go to the bathroom. Take it right away and congratulate him when he does his job. Never yell at your puppy and do not scold him if he has an accident. If you catch it on the spot, just say no, pick it up and bring it outside. Never rant with him after the event because your puppy does not realize what he did wrong.

3. Anticipate the needs of your puppy

Plan the training of your puppy according to your needs. Your puppy has to go to the bathroom about 20 minutes after dinner. Take it out about 20 minutes after eating and congratulate you on your farewell. It should also be removed immediately after the morning. Puppies also have to go to the bathroom after running and getting excited. In this respect, they are like little children.

4. Define a care area for your puppy

If you have a garden or yard, you need to choose a location where your puppy can do his job. If possible, choose a secluded location so that your puppy is a little bit private and feels safe. Dogs are like humans and like to be private when they go to the bathroom. Bring your puppy always to the same place in the garden or in the yard. Over time, you will find that he is doing business here and that he is doing it automatically. This is especially important if you have children because your puppy should not disturb the garden.

5. Use positive reinforcement for better results

As mentioned above, never yell at your puppy when you make mistakes, and of course never when you hit him or rub his nose. This only leads to a nervous dog and a bad relationship between you and your puppy. Instead be patient with your puppy and praise him and reward him for doing the right things. This creates a close bond between you and your puppy, who does his best to satisfy you.

Maintaining puppies takes a lot of time, effort and patience, but it's worth it. Soon, your puppy will become a dog that you will be proud of.

Puppy Bath Training - How to Fix This Common Problem

Step 1:

  • Take your puppy to the street. Are you sending an oral signal like "wanting to leave"? This will set up a routine.
  • Use the same signal every time (VERY important). Your puppy starts combining both.

Step 2:

  • Watch for obvious signs that your puppy is about to go to the bathroom, for example, sniffing and standing on the floor.
  • If he wants to leave, it's your signal. Say something like "going to the bathroom" or "going to the bathroom" or "doing your things". You can say what you want, but make sure you use the same signal every time.
  • If you wanted to congratulate him, do not just say that "good boy" or "good dog" makes a great thing out of it. You must let him know that you are thrilled with his performance. Give him a gift for dogs (his favorite) and tell him it's wonderful.
  • Remember that puppies usually go twice. You can go there one day, then feel and come back.
  • Give your puppy a set time when it's outdoors. If you want me to do your job in five minutes, give it five minutes. Always be consistent. Do not give him thirty minutes on Sunday and expect him to leave in five minutes on Monday.

Step 3:

  • If your puppy does not go to the toilet within the set time, take him home and put him in his cage for fifteen minutes. Then start again with step 1.
Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to potty training your puppy. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


4 Steps to Getting Your Dog to Come When Called

4 steps to getting your dog to come when called

Basic obedience training with your dog may be one of the most important things you can do to build leadership and protect your dog. Nowhere is it truer than teaching your dog come when called. This command is often referred to as "recovery" and involves the return of your dog wherever you are.

The importance of effective retirement is not to be underestimated: it is especially important for dogs that decide to go out or disappear, but it also gives you the opportunity to give your dog more freedom when you know it. , You can always bring them back to you.

The key you need to think about when training your dog for him to come when he calls is that returning to you should always be a positive event. Never punish them if they take too much time because they create a negative association with the return you receive. If you need to give them an extra boost, use a bag of treats or a favorite toy until they're better trained.

You need to start teaching your dog to remember when it comes to a puppy. It's pretty simple at this point in your life, because they naturally want to follow you everywhere. Follow these simple steps to bring them home about 10 times a day:

  1. Name your dog with his name and a very excited sound.
  2. If they do not respond immediately, encourage them with a treat or favorite toy.
  3. If they join you, reward them with a good mood and praise them.
  4. Gradually remove sweets and extra breath until you just have to trust your voice.

Do you feel embarrassed when calling your puppy because it does the opposite every time? There is no doubt that training a puppy can be a very difficult task for you. Gather all the patience and strength you can muster, because the way you train a puppy to approach you can be very daunting. If you really want to learn the best techniques to train a homecoming puppy, you only need to finish this article from top to bottom. Here are some tips for getting started:

1. Attach your puppy
Most dog owners make the mistake of letting their puppy go at the beginning of the training. It's actually a no-no! Never make the mistake of releasing your puppy and leaving him alone if you really want to teach your puppy how to get in touch with you. Since it is natural for dogs, especially puppies, to explore their surroundings, it is best to tie the puppy to him if he trains him to call you when he calls you. In this way it will not be difficult for him to persecute him if he does exactly the opposite of coming.

2. Give him his favorite treats
Use your favorite treats to work for you. Make sure you give him some of his favorite treats every time your puppy approaches you. In this way, he is more than willing to visit you every time you call. In addition, this technique of getting your favorite snacks or treats can also replace the need to install them. Keep in mind, however, that if you have a puppy that has just started training, be sure to take it with you during exercise.

3. Teach the command "how"
Do not confuse your dog by teaching him several commands at the same time. Make sure you start with your goal of teaching him to come. The best way to do this would be to tie your dog first and have someone with you and see you with the dog while you call. It is very important for the dog to understand that every time he calls, he has to go to his master's house. Moreover, the one who guides him on the belt is crucial so that the puppy can not wander around on another side.

4. Use a high tone when calling
Also, make sure you use a high pitch tone when calling. This proved effective for all dog breeds. It is assumed that every time a teacher calls his dog in a shrill voice, the dog or puppy is excited and therefore automatically triggers, without thinking about it.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to train your dog to come. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Behavioural Problems in Puppies and Adult Dogs - Pulling on the Leash

behavioural problems in puppies and adult dogs

There are several reasons why a dog sneaks on the leash. In this article you will learn how to stop your dog from pulling the leash. These vary from aggression towards other dogs and / or humans to fear of the environment or conditions. The most common reason for this annoying and potentially dangerous behavior is emotions as well as the lack of discipline and dominance of the owner / manager.

There are 3 basic needs a dog must have to survive. They are food, water, exercise, suitcases, guidance, love and affection. Without these 3 needs, the dog will not survive long. The needs that concern us with the problem in question are: a package, leadership and love and affection. Why are these factors so important that I hear you asking? Let's take a look at each one individually.

The package

Dogs are beasts of burden. In nature, as with wolves, there is a strict hierarchy among the members of the group. The peloton is usually run by the alpha female. She has achieved this position through a combination of mastery, cunning, and the ability to read and summarize situations quickly and accurately. The alpha male is the following. This is the only dog ​​that pairs with the alpha bitch. He fought all who came to reach that position. Usually deal with group defense. Their job is to challenge and fight other animals that want to take control of the herd. All other members of the pack will determine their own place by fighting, fooling themselves, and teaming up with more dominant animals. Some, when they mature, try to become the alpha male.

That's why it's important that your dog knows his position in the pack. In that case, your family is your backpack. He must be the leader of the pack and the other family members must always keep the upper hand over the dog. Beginning with a puppy, at no time should the dog be allowed to show signs of aggression towards a family member. The punishment for this crime must be quick and uncompromising.


If he was driving from home to talk about the next town, and had no map, he was new to the area and he was, besides being blind, he would be that I am sure, right They agree that the chances of achieving their goal are very small

Likewise, your dog would be in a similar position in nature. If the pack had no leader, the activities would not concentrate. Without the package hierarchy, therefore, there would be no address for the package and there would soon be a subsequent resolution.

As dogs hunt as a pack, this would lead to the death of individual members, either by famine or by robbery of other species. The lowest orders in the set never deny the decisions of the typesetters. If you do not act as part of the package, this often leads to eviction.

Love and affection

I hope you've noticed that when you hire your dog, when he does something good, he wags his tail, and sometimes, when you scold him, he rolls on his back and shows his stomach and often loses some urine.

The first reaction is the dog's natural response to love and affection. He will respond in this way when greeting the other members of the pack. He will show emotions and hectic pace, sometimes barking and moaning or screaming with pleasure, in addition to submitting to the pack's upper limbs.

The second answer is often shown to the leaders of the pack and means their submission. By exposing your stomach, you are actually offering your life because you could not defend yourself against an attack in this position. Urinating in this position focuses on their actions.

The dog naturally follows these patterns of instinctive behavior. So if you use a mix of strong commands and generous praise, you can learn to do most things. The most important things to remember are to be consistent, use the same command every time, be persistent, not give up, and always finish your training when it's successful.

This last point means that, no matter how long it takes, you will need to get the answer you need just a moment. Once you receive this answer, congratulate the dog and finish the session.

Their commands must be easy to understand, instructions of a word can not be confused. They must be pronounced in a firm, meaningless voice. The commands I use are: Heel, sit down, squat, get up, shut up, come stay. Each of these commands is supplemented by a corresponding hand gesture.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to stop your dog from pulling on a leash. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Secrets to Dog Training - How to Put a Stop to Your Dog Separation Anxiety

how to put a stop to your dog separation anxiety

Have you ever noticed that your dog is worried when you leave the room? Or whines and barks your dog, chews, scrapes, runs around, pees in the wrong place? In this case, you can assume that your dog suffers from separation anxiety. Fortunately, there are some tips that can help you stop your dog separation anxiety at least once or forever. Before starting to train your dog so that he is not under pressure when leaving, he must have common sense that can cause this problem.

First, separation anxiety does not include the love and attention you give him. Of course you can have more than one dog at the same time and let him love and care for you as well. One dog may be fine, the other may suffer separation anxiety. The most common reason for separation anxiety may be that this dog is not socialized. Dogs that have many different houses or are still moving are also main candidates. Some are naturally born nervous. Some may feel that they do not see themselves or are afraid of being left behind. These reasons can sometimes be a tragic experience for them. Whatever the reason for your fear, this can be changed if you receive proper training!

When you start training your dog, make sure that you never use the physical punishment to correct it. It's best to correct your dog so that he will not get hurt.

Separation anxiety is common in most dogs and is completely normal. It just means that your dog is lost and cares about you. Unfortunately, this can lead to many unwanted behaviors. Your dog can complain, cry or scream, which does not make him popular with his neighbors. You can also urinate or foul in inappropriate places, or chew furniture or household items.

So what can you do to prevent this behavior? Here are some tips.

1. Start slowly and early

You must teach your dog that it is not the end of the world if you leave him alone. If you spend every minute of every day with him, you may be afraid never to return when you leave. So start slowly, 5 or 10 minutes at a time. No need for long emotional farewells, leave your puppy alone for 5 minutes and then return as if nothing had happened. If you do this often enough, your puppy will begin to understand that it does not matter when you leave.

2. Do not reward your crying.

When his owner leaves the house, sometimes a dog whines. As a result, the owner feels bad and returns to the dog to calm him down. That's exactly what the dog wanted, of course! I wanted you to come back and you learn that you can get what you want by crying. It is important to understand that your dog does not necessarily have unbearable pain, even when he is crying. Just like a kid who gets into a crisis or complains to get what he wants, a dog does the same. As soon as he realizes that this tactic is not effective, he often stops.

3. exhaust it

If you make a habit of walking or running with your dog before leaving him alone, he will often fall asleep when he leaves. How often do you feel stressed or very nervous after an intense workout? The same applies to dogs.

4. Give him something to do

Dogs often like to chew on furniture or trash to give themselves something to do. They want to distract their minds from the situation they are in. If you give your dog a hard bone or a chew, it increases the risk of chewing on it and not on the carpet.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on stop separation anxiety in dog. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Change: Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

can you teach an old dog new tricks

As a Californian, I think that changes occur as in one of our frequent earthquakes, where the ground beneath me changes unpredictably. In this article you will learn how to your older dog to learn new trick. I've never been a big fan of change. It irritated me that things were exactly where I wanted them, bam! Everything would change!

When it comes hard and unexpected ...

I was also offended by the change that so badly and unexpectedly happened in my last year. After I retired, I laughed that my house was what I wanted it to be, with the best friends I had grown over the years, and in particular that my financial means were reconciled. Everything would go on like this. Do you remember 2008? I have just retired after 40 years of work. Millions of people, including myself, could not do anything, but we tried to stay afloat when we saw that our savings were shrinking, we lost homes and jobs, and our quality of life dropped. I finally had to admit that change is taking place and will take place for the rest of our lives.

There is a change that happens to us without our intervention, and a change that we choose consciously. When I decided to leave my wife, I knew things would change and I was ready to accept that change because I wanted my relationship with him to be strengthened and that's what happened. This is the change I did not choose, over time it surprised me and it was the hardest to accept.

I learned to curl and meditate.

However, with much thought and hard work over the years, I have learned to accept change and see it more and more as an opportunity to learn and grow. I do not like it, but at least I know that something good is usually associated with the associated discomfort. I learned to dress and meditate before moving on to the next step, which is a change.

As an adult adult, I've become (not laughing!), I'm treating change now as a boo, and you can too.

Here is my recipe for dealing with change:

1) Be surprised by the change, whatever it is.

2) Yelling and screaming and hitting.

3) Look for a suitable source:

- friend, therapist or spouse (if you agree with him)
- No food, drink or anyone else can not give you what you need.

This includes people who probably say, "Shut up, it's not that bad".

4) Stay alone or with support in the comfort zone until you distract someone or something or until you urinate.

5) Try not to notice what's going wrong with the change, but for the benefits, you get:

- Remember, when one door closes, another opens and
- You can not leave room for the new unless you let go of the old man.

But what about dramatic changes?

"Well, it sounds like a fantasy, but you can not speak of a change as dramatic as losing a friend or loved one," you say. But it is me. My husband died two years ago and I was a disaster. I cried until I got sick. Almost from the beginning of this devastating loss, I promised to remain open and present. I thought that if I did not go through the process with conscience and openness, I would cry until I fell sick a year later. There were things I should have done and not to do to be there. However, there is no perfection in how we respond to losses and changes. I wanted to feel the loss, to experience all the accompanying changes and to celebrate my relationship with him. Honestly, I feel that I have done it very well for myself and to honor his memory and all the wonderful ways in which he found himself. Yes, I still miss him and I have watery eyes, but at the same time I realize that the good has flowed on in my life since his death.

Change does not pretend to be simple, and I'm sure that if you do not do it regularly, it will become more difficult and problematic later on. Remember that change management is yours. Are you the dog who can learn and change new things no matter how old you are? Or are you so rooted where you are when change comes, does it hit you in the ass?

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to teach your older dog. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


Dog Behavior Problems - Stop Dog Barking & Get a Decent Night Sleep

stop dog barking & get a decent night sleep

Perhaps barking is one of the most commonly-cited behavioral problems in dogs. Fortunately, most homeowners should be able to effectively stop the barking of dogs as long as they understand the underlying causes of this particular type of behavioral problem in dogs and implement appropriate strategies. Remedy ...

Do not forget that dogs should bark. It is a dynamic inherent in their psyche, it is one of the means by which they communicate. Remember, if someone comes into your garden to rob your house, do you want your dog to bark, right?

However, if your dog barks to an extent that far exceeds your needs or responsibilities, you can stop it by conditioning it periodically to avoid unnecessary and often frustrating sounds (the part that drives you crazy). ). By doing so, you improve your relationship with your pet by being willing to listen and respond appropriately when your barking dog's response is triggered (not to mention improving your relationship with those who suffer from side effects unnecessarily)). Their goal is to fulfill the dual role of Master and Best Friend.

Barking out of fear

Most problems with dog barking occur at the age of 6 to 8 months. In this period, your dog's barking is based more on fear than fear on protection. The problem is worsening in dogs with limited socialization. The less confidence your dog has in him, the more likely he will be to experience excessive barking. Your dogs' positive experiences and increased self-confidence can dramatically affect their barking, especially at this stage of their development.

Regardless of whether your dog is young or old, it is important that your response does not increase the fear or fear of barking. You want your dog to feel safe. When your dog shows an uncomfortable behavior (eg raised chains), it is often our natural reaction to calm it down. We can congratulate them and say yes, but we often do so with a slightly worried tone. We are of course concerned ... we want our dog to stay calm! But for our dog, they interpret this as insistence that we are afraid of something. The best solution is to tell your dog easily and safely that nothing is wrong. Take a stance that says "everything is okay" and your dog will follow.

Enormous barking/alarm

Aside from the fear-based bark, your dogs must be "watchful". Often this forces them to bark like crazy on the garden hose for an hour instead of playing a certain "guardian" role. This can also be limited if you understand why your dog behaves this way.

Your dog understands that it is his duty to warn his owners. What they often need to emphasize is that they should be responsible for responding to any perceived threat when their job is to alert their owners, except in extreme circumstances. In other words, you are the leader, your dog is part of your pack, and you must take responsibility for that rule.

How do we get there? First, certify your dogs barking. Look at why they could create stories. Do not just tell your dog to stay calm in the kitchen, go out and find out the cause. It could be a neighbor, it could be the factor (it could just be the garden hose). But whatever, do your part and see you. If your dog continues to bark as soon as his role is filled, it is not only appropriate, but also important to tell him that he has exceeded his limit. You are the master. If your dog has seen that you have assessed the situation, you should clearly and firmly correct him that he continues to bark.

Go a little further. Call your dog and take his collar with one hand. With the other hand gently but firmly place your left hand on the snout of your dog and press on it (make sure that the pressure is not unpleasant). Simultaneously start a single command with a calm but confident voice, such as B. "quiet". Do not yell at your dog. You will hear this as a bark, which only reinforces the fact that something is worth barking. Be sure to remember that dogs do not communicate in the same way as we do.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson about dog behavior problem everyday. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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