Doggy Dan Online Dog Trainer Review - Read this letter to see the Doggy Dan program on how to train a good dog.


doggy dan the online dog trainer review

How to Train a Dog to Stop Pulling - Three Easy Steps

train a dog to stop pulling - three easy steps

It's easier than you think to train a dog to stop pulling leash. But if you really want to learn how to train a dog so that it does not drag you on the street, you have to learn a few things for yourself. Because the secret of driving a dog to finish shooting is in three basic elements that must be combined to make it work.

1. They have to react faster and turn and correct sooner.
2. You must correct with a force equal to at least its inertia.
3. You must congratulate your dog immediately after the correction.

Number one: do not wait until the belt is taut. The best way to train a dog to stop shooting is to spin long before the line is tightened. You must be ready to respond quickly. Oh, oh, I can hear what you say by writing this. You say, "But my leash is tense all the time, there's never a moment when my belt is not tight." If your leash is taut, you should pull your dog back by folding, loosening and twisting your arms Correct very quickly.

Number two: it's harder to stop a pig in the feed yard when it's running than when it's running. If you have a big dog to the end of the leash, do not forget to stop it with a feather and a pet. You'll have to turn quickly and bring something into your correction, or you'll be the galley, not the engine.

Number three: The second time, when your dog's momentum stops and he goes in his direction, he should begin to congratulate him. Praise is crucial. Praying your dog helps prevent further corrections, motivates your dog to catch you quickly, shows that he is not angry and builds trust.

If you remember those three rules and can follow them correctly, you've learned how to train a dog to stop shooting. Use consequences and fair rewards to teach your dog to stop dragging you down the road. Just using praise or just a correction is a pointless exercise. Trying to convince your dog to see things in his own way is as useless as a pogo stick in quicksand.

Pulling a leash can be an unwanted habit that many dogs have. Well-meaning homeowners often encourage this behavior. Unwittingly, homeowners instigate this unwanted behavior by playing games like a war leash with a leash or even with a rope (a rope can look like a puppy leash).

Using a quality harness can be a great help in teaching a puppy not to pull, or maybe training a dog who has a bad habit of pulling on a leash. Try to train a dog to accept the harness as much as your dog accepts the normal dog collar.

Try to lure your dog with a bait or toy so he stays with you every time you walk. A properly designed dog collar can be an effective way to train a problematic dog. Be sure to choose a training collar or strangulation cord that will fit properly.

You must make sure that the strap is always loose while you are walking with your dog. If the dog begins to move forward, the dog owner must immediately change direction so that the puppy is quickly discovered and left behind. It is important to change the direction before the puppy reaches the end of the leash. The belt must remain loose, except for the split second that the rider needs to change course. You must use a short pull that is accompanied by a quick release of the cable.

Whenever you train a puppy, you should never let it pull you off. It is absolutely essential to teach a dog how to walk properly, even though he is small enough to handle it. This is especially true for massive breeds of dogs. If your 150-pound Great Dane has not learned to walk properly while he is a 20-pound puppy, chances are you will never do so.

It is important that you never pull or pull the puppy's neck during correction. Light, continuous pressure works much better than heavy traction. The ideal strategy is to use the minimum possible pressure level to achieve the desired result.

I hope you found more information about how to train your dog walk on a leash without pulling in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


Dog Training - Tips on Dog Obedience Training

tips on dog obedience training

A dog without training is uncomfortable for the owner and not healthy or not well suited. It is the owner's responsibility to train the dog to show acceptable behavior in all situations. Dog training, especially dog ​​obedience training, is crucial for a happy, healthy and well-balanced dog.

Puppy training is simply the process of teaching your dog to perform certain actions when giving instructions to your dog. The sooner you start training your dog, the better.


A dog disobeys if it purposely does not respond to a command you give it. This must be distinguished from the misunderstandings that arise when your dog does not know how to respond to a request, or asks you to give it to him. In this case, you only have to train a little more.

Disobedience occurs when your dog knows the action required but simply ignores it. You know that you disobey because you already performed the required action in response to the command.

This may seem like a minor issue that you may not want to continue, but I recommend that you do not consider it a minor issue. It hurts the positive relationship you want to build with your puppy because disobedience is associated with a lack of respect.

If your dog disobeys his request, he lets him know aloud that his authority over him does not exist. If this continues, your dog will become aggressive and passive for you, which is not healthy for both. If it is not done, it gets even worse that a dog gets out of control.

Dogs are pack animals and every dog ​​in a pack has a range. Your job is to become a group leader and to assume alpha status. The dog will not give you this status. Dog training requires you to prove that you go beyond the social hierarchy of your home.

Your dog is happier when he realizes that someone else is making decisions, telling him what behaviors to show and how obedient he should be. He can not have a healthy and functional relationship with his dog if he does not consider him an authority person he ought to obey. To do this, you need to reinforce acceptable behavior through dog training techniques.

Tips for obedience training

1. When you get out of the car or leave the house, you should be in the lead.

When your dog goes first, he tells you that he has an alpha status.

2. Let him wait for his food.

Vary the times when you feed him, which makes you aware that you are responsible, so you have no expectations of your meal. Do not let him attack you immediately if you bring him food. Let him wait until you tell him to eat.

3. Your dog should not start the game.

You may think that it is good for your dog to urge you to play, so that you give in to your wishes, which lets you know that he is responsible for you and your behavior. Just ignore it when it grows or whines. Busy with another task. If he gives up after realizing that you will not play with him, he will start the game.

Recovery is important to you and the dog, but you should be responsible for this time to teach obedience to the alpha dog.

4. Do not go straight to your dog at home and do not become tender. Alpha never approaches the betas and initiates contact. The alpha ignores the betas, relaxes for a moment and interacts only when the moment is right and he is fine. After arrival, wait between three and five minutes before approaching.

To train obedient dogs, you must maintain an appropriate obedience training plan that lasts no more than ten minutes a day to teach and enforce your mandates. This can be reduced as the dog becomes more and more obedient. Consistency and stamina are important because learning positive and obedient behavior takes time.

Dogs can be fantastic animals, but without proper training your dog's behavior may not always be fully predictable. Dog obedience training is an excellent way to promote dog compliance and eliminate some unpredictability. By teaching obedience, you can better control your dog both inside and outside the home and make the interaction between you and your dog even more enjoyable.

I hope you found more information about obedience training for dog in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


Puppy Toilet Training - 5 Tips to Stop Puppy Pooping Problems

5 tips to stop puppy pooping problems

Swimming for puppies can be an awkward task. If your how to puppy toilet training is constantly playing at home, here are 5 tips to help your pupppy from toilet training.

1. Take your puppy with you for examination

First, bring your puppy to the vet for a quick check-up. There could be a basic health problem that makes your puppy unable to control itself. This could be the reason why he enters the house.

2. Eat on a regular basis

Always have a regular diet plan for your puppy. Feed it at the same time every day and always take your bowl at the end of your meal. Go to the bathroom about half an hour after eating.

3. Give your puppy a normal toilet

Bring your puppy to the bathroom at regular intervals. When it comes to a very young puppy, you have to take it out every half hour at 1 o'clock because it has a weak bladder. Take it after the first hour in the morning after eating and after working in the open air. Be wary of the signs that your puppy needs to go to the bathroom. When you start to feel the ground and turn around, this is a sure sign that you have to go.

4. Clean well

Always clean carefully if your pup has urinated or has a need inside. Use a suitable cleaning fluid that removes all odors. If this is the case, your puppy will continue to use the area as a toilet.

5. Use positive training

Congratulate your puppy whenever you go to the toilet in the designated area. If you get angry and scream your puppy when he enters the house, you will make him shy and nervous. This has a negative effect on your relationship with your puppy. Congratulate him, if he does everything right, and reward him with treats and treats. If you catch your puppy in the bathroom in the house, say NO, then take it with you and bring it directly to the bathroom. If you praise your puppy for doing everything right, you will find that he is doing his best to please you.

Look at puppy education

If you need to leave your puppy unattended at home, you may want to make up the puppy's cage. Once your puppy has been trained in cages, you can leave him or her unattended at home for a short time, knowing your puppy is not injured.

Puppy bath training should not be an unpleasant task. If you follow the above advice, you will soon have a trained puppy going to the bathroom, and a messy house is a thing of the past.

Puppy training for a puppy can be easy if it remains consistent with its training techniques. Regardless of whether you decide to train in a cage or to use puppy paper or pads, you must use the same technique while training your puppy. Changing the way you fly your puppy home can cause disruption and a longer workout time.

In order to go to the puppy's toilet, you must select a specific place where your puppy can be released. Once this is done, you must bring your puppy regularly to the same area. If you are relieved, congratulate him and let him know that he is doing what he expects.

You can also carry out puppy care with a boxing method. Here you get a cage, so that your puppy has a safe place. This safe place is like your puppy's den and he will eat and sleep in the cage when you are not at home or falling asleep. Most dogs do not go to bed. Therefore, using the cage training method to care for puppies can be a great way to steal your new partner at home. The cage should be big enough for your puppy to stand, sit and stretch and sleep comfortably. If necessary, there should also be room for food and water.

Other methods of caring for puppies include training on paper. This means that you spread the paper on the floor of a room intended for your puppy. This piece must be puppy proof and contain nothing that could harm your puppy. The puppy will eventually find a place in the room where he goes to the bathroom. Once that's set, you can just put paper in the shared area.

I hope you found more information about how to potty train a puppy in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


Pet Discipline - The Right Dog Training With Hand Signals

the right dog training with hand signals

Using techniques to train your dog with different signaling methods in addition to verbal communication is a good idea if you are trying to get him to learn obedience. It is effective to train your pet with manual signals, especially if the animal can not hear your verbal commands. It is advisable to training your dog with your hands or feet to make sure your pet follows your instructions. although both are wide but visible to each other. If you have trained him with good hand and foot signals, he will listen to you. Hunter dog trainers train them to follow instructions in the field and train them with such hand signals.

If you train your pet with signals by hand and use the proper training, these animals can be trained to turn left or right as you observe their signage. You can silence it, go fast or slow, whatever you need to do by pulling it with your hands and feet, without using words or sounds. While the right hand can command the animal to follow certain instructions, the left hand challenges the animal to do something completely different. The same thing happens when you point your foot or heel at him so he understands what to do, especially when your hands are busy.

You can learn to train your dog with the foot and heel signals as well as the other obedience training courses you give him. An ideal exercise program provides the skills your pet needs to learn the commands for hand and foot control when working out at home. If you want, you can create new ways to train your dog with your own hand and finger signals. This should be consistent if you repeatedly use the same signal when driving with manual signals. , Dogs by nature pay special attention to body language and communicate with each other through body movements and barking. So if you train your pet with the sound signals of your feet, you can speed up your dog's learning process. ,

If you have just begun obedience training, you do not have to wait until the end before training your dog with a combination of hands or feet. If you use this combination, you have several options for the animal to understand your commands. If you are already well trained, it is never too late to introduce your dog with such a signal training for him. Some basic commands to obedience work well for starting the training with hands and feet. Teach the dog "Sit Up", "Get Up", the first three basic steps to train your dog with the hands and toes that point to the toes, making it easier for the dog to put all the other things on dog Train such signaling techniques.

Dogs are known as the best friend of man. However, good obedience training is necessary for them as they must learn to follow their teacher's instructions. Therefore, it is important that you begin verbal obedience training and train your dog with nonverbal pointers of hands and feet when handling puppies.

Although they are animals, dogs are considered the best friend of humans. However, good obedience training is necessary for them as they must learn to follow their teacher's instructions. Therefore, it is important that you begin verbal obedience training and train your dog in handling puppies with your hands and feet.

Have you ever wondered how show dogs can do a great trick without whispering about their coach? The secret signs of obedience from hand to dog, and there are many reasons why you should incorporate them into your training strategy.

Attention during training

As you begin to include hand signals in your exercise program, your dog will depend more and more on your movements. He will focus on your actions and give you all your attention. This attention creates a higher level of authority for you and eventually develops a more obedient dog. It also increases your dog's concentration and improves your learning ability.

I hope you found more information about how to obedience dog training hand signal in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


Dog Training Hand Signals

dog training hand signals

Dogs are considered by their owners to be very valuable. Over the years, dogs have become family members. Of all pets, the dog is the most popular among pets. One reason is that dogs can be trained. If you know some hand signals to train dogs, you can give your pet the right training. Dogs are very intelligent, maybe with a few exceptions, but if you give them verbal and manual commands, they can easily capture your message. Dogs can very well read body language. When in doubt, consider how your dog reacts when it is angry. Because of their ability to read body language, they can learn hand signals as well as verbal commands. The use of hand signals for dogs makes training much more effective if done properly.

There are no official hand signals for dog obedience training; So you can select the desired signals, even if this is not recommended. There are common signs to control the heel: sit down, stand still, lower and lower. Be sure to start with your arm by your side when using manual signals to train your dog. When you move your hand toward the chest, you see your palm facing up. In this way, your dog connects your arm and hand with an order.

Next you should teach your dog to understand the order of staying. To do this, you must hold your arm in front of your dog with your palm outstretched. Then he gives his dog the durability, spreads his arm gradually and holds his hand perpendicular to his hand close to the nostrils of his dog, but without too much body contact.

If and when your dog tries to silence your hand, stop it immediately but gently. To keep your dog lying on his stomach and on the floor, keep it open and flat, palm down and parallel to the floor. Hold your arm at the elbow in a strong downward motion. If you teach your dog the descent command, it is recommended to show him what he means.

The use of hand signals to train dogs is a great way to teach your dog to know the different signs with his hands. The dog will look after your hands to see if you have new orders for him. Adding verbal commands to the dog training hand signals will improve your pet's understanding. If used correctly, your pet will learn to respond to verbal or manual commands in no time. Once the animal has become accustomed to the signs of his hand and associated it with the correct action, it would be easier for the owner to give orders and for the dog to understand them.

If you train your pet with hand signals to teach it obedience, it will inspire and motivate a treat, a toy, or even many compliments to support your pet every time. You will find that some dogs are more motivated by food, others by toys, others by praise. You need to find out what motivates your dog the most. If your pet accidentally refuses to follow the instructions for dog training, do not use physical punishment, it will only make you do nothing. Remember to use verbal commands and manual dogs obedience.

If your pet understands the basics of dog training, it may be ready for further training and more complex tasks. The next time you get angry at your dog for following your orders, ask yourself if you use manual signals to train the dogs with the right technique. If you have any questions about how to use this training, you can search the Internet for dog training phrases and hand gesture phrases. You will find very interesting tips.

When working with a dog, many people use verbal commands or a tidbit for dressage dogs. They do not recognize the effectiveness of hand signals during obedience training. Manual signals are an effective way for a dog to understand what the owner wants and can support other training methods.

I hope you found more information about training hand signals with dog in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


Tips On How To Stop A Dog From Chewing Everything

tips on how to stop a dog from chewing everything

The best friend of man ... this little hairy beast can also be the worst enemy of man! If you are like many others, you have a dog that likes to bite everything. Well, you are in the right place! If you want to know how to stop the habit of chewing a dog, read on for seven helpful tips:

1. Attention:

That's right. Simply paying more attention to your dog can literally be the only difference between chewing and chewing. Dogs often chew because they learn that they react immediately when they commit the act. So, an easy way to keep your dog from chewing, spend more time with him!

2. Toy:

If your dog does not stop chewing, you can help your furry friend with alternatives. Many chew toys are available inexpensively in almost every store, even in grocery stores. Depending on your dog's reaction, it can be a great success or a failure. Why do not you try it and see what your pet thinks?

3. Dog proof:

Make sure you test your entire house. This is a lengthy but very effective way to prevent your dog from chewing. You can easily remove small items that fit in your dog's mouth or place them in hard-to-reach places and make sure all lockers are closed and the shelves are closed. Make sure that you do not forget to postpone everything and try everything. Otherwise, your dog could simply turn to his favorite boots!

4. Taste:

You can use the taste buds of your dog against him. That's right, play hardball. Cover the dog's favorite dog toy with an unpleasant taste. A good sauce would be Tabasco sauce or Cayenne pepper. However, this can not stop your dog's chewing problem, but simply redirect it to a new object.

5. Training:

Give a dog a fixed command like "No!" Or bad "In a negative tone, it can wire the animal's brain to show that what he has done is not a good thing, even if it takes a lot of time to invest in the project.

6. Spray:

After # 4, a bitter spray can do a lot of training. The Fooey Dressing Spray, a product that is sold in many stores, can be sterilized in all areas where the dog stops chewing, such as: As walls, furniture, clothing and shoes. Just aim and spray and repeat until the dog's behavior has changed.

7. Exercise:

Just as you need exercise, even dogs. Running, playing Frisbee, going to a dog park, walking along the beach. Whatever your cup of tea is, discover it and bring your dog with you. Extra attention and exercise will be worrisome and physically and mentally you will be exercising your furry friend. This is a great idea for those who like jogging or running frequently.

As you can see, your dog's hunting pandemic may end today. If you use or combine any of these seven methods, let your dog chew and enjoy your belongings in one piece.

If you have a dog, it is very likely that you have to deal with the problem of chewing. This is because your dog has a desire to chew something. Chewing is a game your dog spends the time with. There are many types of dog training for this problem. Unfortunately, this problem can not be solved in the classroom, because lessons can not be chewed.

Here are 3 tips on how to stop chewing your dog.

1. You need to understand your dog. Dogs love to chew. Then you should find things that you can chew for your dog. For example, you can use a toy for chewing dogs in one place. If you chew it, you can rent it. But if you chew on other things, you should not hit it. Only one strong word is enough for your dog to understand your feelings.

2. Play with your dog. If you give him a good time, he will like to play with you, not with your things. You can go to a pet shop and buy dog ​​toys. These toys can deal with your dog and store your furniture.

3. If your dog wants to chew on special things, you can buy a deterrent taste like bitter apple at a local pet store. Then you can drag the object with a deterrent effect. This keeps your dog away from your business.

I hope you found more information about stop s dog ffrom chewing in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


How To Stop A Puppy From Barking In His Crate in the Dead of Night?

how to stop a puppy from barking in his crate in the dead of night?

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How To Stop A Puppy From Barking In His Crate At Night
Now that we've the fundamentals of crate coaching down.
Lets observe the rationale why we’re all here…a barking puppy and tips to remedy aforesaid barker…

Over the past ten years we’ve learned quite bit concerning crate coaching from crate coaching our 1st puppy, Linus who we rescued from the animal shelter, to working on
crate coaching litters of puppies as foster oldsters, and finally crate training our very own service dog puppies.

As you may have guessed over those ten years we’ve learned several crate coaching tips and tricks.

In Episode one of Puppy In coaching TV we tend to talked concerning a number of the primary things we tend to do once delivery home a puppy.

We also talked a little bit about how to crate train a puppy and Dublin’s first night in his crate.
Lucky for America there we tend toren’t too several nights of Irish capital howling in his crate though we did catch a touch little bit of whining on video – see below.

Take a glance at a number of the fundamentals in our 1st episode of Puppy In coaching TV:

Crate coaching Tips (20 and counting)
Here’s our comprehensive list which will hopefully assist you out if you've got a stubborn pup UN agency whines, whimpers, barks, yelps, cries, and just about the other distressing noise a pup will build in his crate:

If you get to satisfy your puppy’s litter mates then bring an opulent toy (our new favorite plush toy for puppies is that the Snuggle Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and warmth Pack) or blanket to rub everywhere his litter mates. once it comes time to place your pup in his crate leave the toy or blanket within the crate with the scent of his litter mates this might facilitate your pup sleep higher in the dead of night. This worked well with Dublin.

If your pup wakes up crying within the middle of the night take him straight to his potty spot to alleviate himself. As shortly as he finally ends up his business take him straight back to his crate with none play time or different distractions.

Make sure you feed him a minimum of AN hour and a [*fr1] before hour. Also, it’s been steered to chop off water AN hour and a [*fr1] before hour thus he won’t got to pee within the middle of the night. we tend to don’t interrupt water to our puppy as a result of it’s thus necessary to stay your puppy hydrous.

Play along with your puppy for AN extended amount of your time simply before hour to tire him out.

If you've got a wire crate strive golf stroke a sheet over it to form him feel a lot of cozy and enclosed . watch out as a result of I’ve had pups pull and chew on the sheet over the crate.

Put your crate close to the bed wherever your puppy will see you and if he starts crying droop your arm down thus he will smell your scent. and if that doesn’t work then…

You can strive sleeping on the ground next to the crate. This worked with my rescue puppy, Linus.

Feed him his meals in his crate. this may build him softer getting into his crate.

Put totally different unsmooth toys within the crate to stay him company. Be careful. I’ve had pups chew, destroy and swallow plush toys once unsupervised .

If he takes a nap throughout the day move him from the ground into the crate. strive doing this with the door open and closed.

Try deed the door open however lying down across the threshold of the crate as if to nap with him, to form him feel softer within the crate, and at a similar time build your body block the threshold.

When he’s within the crate and being quiet check that to offer him innumerable praise.

Try the center beat toy. I’ve detected of a toy that simulates the mom’s heartbeat that helps the puppy sleep. we tend to haven’t tried this one however, however if we've got another stubborn pup it'll air our list. UPDATE: we tend to used the Snuggle Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and warmth Pack with Charlie and his initial night in his crate…not a peep!

Do you have a ticking clock lying round the house? you would possibly strive that rather than getting the Snuggle Puppy. it should facilitate soothe your puppy to sleep.

Try golf stroke a stuffed KONG (we just like the KONG Extreme that is best for significant chewers like our science lab puppies) within the crate along with your puppy. We’ve tried spread (make certain the atomic number 82 is safe for dogs), however you'll strive adding different treats like bananas, rice, chicken, yoghurt to assist get your puppy at home with being within the crate.

You can additionally facilitate your puppy get at home with the crate (and stop the barking) by giving him his favorite chew, one amongst our favorites area unit Bully Sticks. simply check that you monitor your pup if you provide him a chew he will consume sort of a Bully Stick.

The one that worked on behalf of me and felt hat – accustomed be} a wreck and that i thought felt hat would ne'er get used to his crate. the sole method i used to be able to get him to sleep was to speak to him for 5-10 minutes, telling him what a “good boy” he was once he wasn’t crying (if he did cry i'd simply keep silent tell he stopped). to do and quiet him down I’d either say “quiet” or “Shhh”.

Try the heated toy. I’ve additionally detected of a toy that features a factor on the within that you simply will heat on the within and insert within the toy. Makes the puppy desire he’s with one amongst his litter mates. Another one we tend to haven’t tried however, however are on the highest of our list if we've got a pup UN agency doesn’t sleep. UPDATE: Our Snuggle Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat additionally came with heat pads, however we tend to didn’t use it once crate coaching Charlie.

You’ll got to purchase further heat pads for the Snuggle Puppy Toy once the primary night. Why not simply strive filling a bottle up with heat water and golf stroke it within a thick comfortable sock. Hey…you do what you'll with the items you've got round the house.

One of our readers had a good suggestion: “We currently have a replacement furbaby, another Golden. he's eight wks and boy has he reminded North American country however.much older we tend to area unit currently. we tend to use a similar nighttime technique with the soothing music and it’s worked sort of a charm again!” we tend to play soothing music for our older dogs once we leave the house. It ne'er occurred to North American country to use soothing music to assist our pup’s get wont to their crate and new setting. many thanks K.Y. for the suggestion.

I hope you found training your dog about how to stop your puppy from barking in this articel. when you have more information check and coment below.

A Beginner's Guide to Dog Agility

a beginner's guide to dog agility

Welcome. To dog agility training exercises, to do practically anything. In this articel series I'm going to show you a few training techniques and once you understand how to use these techniques you'll be able to teach your dog to do pretty much any trick or obedience command you want and not only that but you'll also learn how to avoid common problems like the classic. My dog only listens when I have a treat in my hand. These methods work for all breeds and all ages of dog. You can even use them on your cat, bird killer way a horse or house me. The training methods we're going to go over in the next couple of videos are lower reward and shaping. Lure reward or just alluring is where you take a treat stick it from the dog's nose and lure them into the position you want. It’s really simple and easy and that's the method I recommend for most dog training beginners. Shaping is where you wait for the dog to perform a tiny tiny step in the right direction and you reward each tiny step until eventually the dog is performing the desired trick.

Dog Agility Training Equipment

You can think of shaping as a guessing game where the dog is guessing what you want him to do. Shaping can be a little bit tougher to get used to than whirring but it has two benefits. Number one, that's how you get really cool impressive tricks and two, once they understand the game most dogs really love shaping. Unlike with a lot of other methods they're not being pushed or prompted to do something they're using their own brains to come up with their own ideas. dog agility training tips This results in an engaged enthusiastic dog shaping is really good for stubborn dogs who are harder to train with other methods. You’re gonna need a way to tell the dog the exact moment he does the thing you want. Especially if you're using shaping you need to be able to tell the dog exactly which of his guesses was correct. To do that you need a marker which is a quick distinct sound that tells the dog yes I like what you did your reward is coming. You can use a marker word like yes, or good, or you can use a clicker. I'm not gonna click this right now because my dog is watching and he'll freak out.

Why bother with a marker at all. Why not just hand the dog the treat when he does what you want. Clarity of communication my friends. Dogs can do a lot of behaviors in the space of like two seconds. By the time you have handed the treat to the dog for say touching a target with his nose he could have also looked away lift the paw backed up started barking. How does he know exactly which one of his behaviors earned the reward. With a marker to bridge the gap between the behavior and the reward the dog learns quicker doesn't get as frustrated and therefore you succeed faster. Now sure technically for you know the basic lure reward stuff you don't need a marker. You can teach your dog stuff like sit, stay, lie down, spin in a circle without a marker. I mean, I'd still use one especially if you eventually want to work on cooler tricks or more advanced obedience but hey it's your life do what you want.How long do I have to use the clicker forever. No common misconception actually the marker is just for the teaching phase of a new behavior. You use it just long enough for the dog to understand how the behavior works.

Once he knows the trick you don't have to use a clicker anymore. So no, you don't have to walk around with a clicker in your pocket for the rest of your life. I pretty much do like that's just me. So what is it about the sound of the marker with the clicker let the dogs like so much. Well nothing, there's nothing inherently special about the sound of this thing. So you got to take about five minutes to do what we in the business call charging the marker. This means teaching your dog that the sound of marker means that a reward is coming. First pick your marker, either an actual clicker or a word I use yes. But you can pick whatever you want as long as it's short. Get your dog in a quiet room with no distractions get a container of about 30 really small like pea sized treats. Click the clicker or so your market word and then immediately put a treat in the dog's face. You’re not waiting for any particular behavior at this point you're just creating the association between clicker and food.

Dog Agility Training Exercises

Use up all 30 treats and you have the basics of a charge marker and you're ready to start training. When you're in the beginning stages of teaching a new behavior, we'll use a lot of food rewards. Why food? because food is fast and easy to dish out, most dogs working thews ask me for it and you can get a lot of repetitions in in a row and therefore make fast progress. What foods should you use? whatever is going to keep your dog's interest. Some dogs especially puppies will work just fine for pieces of kibble, but most dogs will want something more interesting. Your best bet is something soft and chewy and whatever you use you should break into really small pieces. Your dog needs to be able to eat it in one bite and then quickly move on to the next repetition.Start in an environment with as few distractions. As possible somewhere that your dog won't have a hard time focusing.Over time and as your dog's understanding of the behavior develops you can start adding in more distractions like you start in your house and then you go in your back yard and then your street and in the park and then the dog bark it has to be a gradual shift in difficulty so like don't go straight from your living room to the dog park.

Keep training sessions short, if you're working with a puppy or maybe an adult dog who hasn't had much training and seems to get frustrated quickly. Keep your training sessions to two minutes tops with other dogs. You can try for five to ten minutes, always try to stop before the dog or you gets bored. You can do as many training sessions per day as you want three, five, ten, whatever just make sure you give your dog enough of a break in between each one.  The number one rule of the marker. One mark or one click equals one reward in order for it to maintain its effectiveness ,the marker has to be followed by a treat every single time. So even if you make a mistake and you click at the wrong time you still have to give the dog the treats alright so that does it for our introduction. I hope you have found how to get started dog with training in this articel, and you can make starting fast.


Free Online Dog Training Courses Uk

free online dog training courses uk

Many of you have asked about some online training if you've been following our work and want to get plugged into what we do but maybe don't live close enough for classes or private training we got you info about our first ever online basic dog training coming up ian's here was simpatico dog training now I have gotten a ton of requests for some kind of online training well that option is finally here and honestly that's why we haven't posted many videos lately because we've been working on this we are proud to partner with international Open Academy an accredited leader in online training and learning to offer our dog training essentials course this is a full basic training course spanning 27 videos in over four hours of content in this course which was filmed with real dogs at my training center in New York you will learn proven steps towards building lasting behavior and a strong bond with your dog creating this course and making it accessible to everyone has been kind of a passion project for me working with my local shelter for the last few years has really opened my eyes to the fact that the number one cause of death and dogs is bad behavior shelters are overwhelmed with dogs that weren't trained properly then.

When annoying and dangerous behaviors reach critical mass there exasperated owners give them up many as you know end up being euthanized humans are causing this it's been one of my goals since the very beginning of simpatico to keep dogs out of shelters and in loving homes where they belong and we can only do that with education the techniques you will learn here were developed by world-class trainers and behaviorists they work with any dog of any age whether you just got a puppy or you're adopting an adult shelter dog you'll learn the secrets of effective canine communication marker training and how to keep dogs engaged in focus no matter what their energy level is will equip you with the basic skills from potty training and socialization to walking on a leash the course also covers the behavior sit down stay leave it and come even with dogs that already have some grasp of these skills we're going to show you how to shape these to be reliable and prompt in a variety of situations and develop them to levels you might not have thought possible come and behavior problems such as barking and jumping up will be addressed as well as some constructive games and even a few fun tricks.

I'm really excited to bring this course to you and I hope you enjoy transforming your understanding of the essentials of dog training all of this information through private lessons with me would've easily cost four or five hundred dollars we've started this 99 but I've set the regular price at 49 and if you're a member of our mailing list I'll be sending out heads-up on all of the promos coming up the Black Friday price for this is gonna be bananas, of course, we're going to continue to offer free content here on YouTube and our other social channels as well we've got some amazing things coming down the pike including version 2.0 of our buyer's guide more videos and more free resources on our website but if you're out there and like what we do and want to dive deeper than just what we have on YouTube I think this course will be just what you're looking for I'll link directly to the course in the description below this video and this will take you to international Open Academy and you'll be able to see the full course breakdown and see if it's right for you if you do take the dog training essentials course please let us know about all of the fun things you're doing with your dog as always keep learning keep practicing and we'll see you again soon thanks for watching



Teach Your Dog To Come When Called Anywhere

teach your dog to come when called anywhere

Today we're in the central business district here in New Orleans and we are gonna work with the cutest puppy you have ever seen in your life Chito the puppy is gonna learn how to make your dog respond when called you know Cullen called is one of the most important skills that our dogs need to know we should practice this early and often and in lots of different places by the way did you guys see my articel on how to teach your dog to listen to you around other dogs if not check out the description like me on Facebook too at slash the exact order so that we can get to know each other even better and I have a pretty serious question for you are corgis the cutest puppies ever think about that as you watch this video and tell me in the comments below.

We're here with Aaron and Walker and cheeto the Corgi how reliable would you say he's been on come when called to this point in various environments okay so we got to get that up a little bit don't we but when we're teaching our dogs to come to us the first thing we want to do is get really tight really solid in an environment like this in the house so I was thinking we would practice in here for a little bit then maybe move on to a little bit more of a distracting environment and then maybe even more distracting if he does well without I'm gonna go over a game with you that you can do with your dog to teach them to come to you when you have two people in the household always call your dog in a very enthusiastic and happy voice you want to make sure that our dog is enjoying.

How To Train Your Dog To Come When Called Every Time?

The training process never call your dog in that firm voice because well they're not gonna look forward to training as much if you do that Walker what kind of currency are you going to use with cheeto today we got Walker over here we've got Aaron over here and we're gonna call him back and forth yeah look at  that look at him go that's it that's right we want our dogs bolting to us we want them running to it with a dog like cheeto the more genuine the more enthusiastic the more energetic you are the more likely they are to come running to you now if your dog doesn't respond so much to this high energy approach maybe try using a soft gentle more understanding approach if they tend to be a bit more reserved and look right here now actually let's pause you for a moment right now you're calling them Cheetos like I don't know I'd rather be over here with my dad he's got these treats and everything look for those small moments.

When your dog is thinking about listening to you and sees those moments in order to really encourage them to listen to you if they look like they're thinking about coming to you do everything you can to keep them in that mindset if you notice that your dog is coming to you halfway and then they're like I don't know so much it's important to shorten the distance make it a little bit easier remember the best dog trainers will not hesitate to take a step back on their training in order to teach and show their dog teaching your dog to come when called what they do why don't you guys go ahead and practice at a closer range and see if you can have some more success here reward him heavily uh with a skill like homeland called we want to reward very generously with our dogs in order to really give them that good association with listening to us.

Dog Won't Come When Called Outside

The next step is to start calling them randomly when they're least expecting it now let's see if you can do it with your back turn to bet you know to throw them up make things a little bit different because come one called really matters most when they are not expecting it and look he's doing terrific fantastic wonderful job what do you think about trying it by the fridge good very good so cute type somehow talk Walker into lying on his back to do this but in all seriousness teaching your dog to come to you when you're assuming different positions really challenges them to think more and makes them understand the general concept as opposed to just the training drill that makes sense go ahead call cheedo and see if it comes yeah yeah and it's you see how thrown off yes and you have your currency with you to let him know good he sees that go ahead and this is all very normal don't be discouraged this is.

Why we teach them this is why we train them maybe scoot up a little bit leave that very good so right there we provided the proper incentive it's much more important that we get the desired behavior than it is we get our dogs off of treats now if you want to see a video on how to teach your dog to listen to you without treats see the description of this video and I'll show you the formula on how to accomplish that I think that we need to up the difficulty level a little bit and practice in a less familiar but still somewhat familiar area what do you think about going out here to the hallway and see how he does okay so Chito is familiar with this area but he doesn't live here and that's a new setting for a dog that's a completely different variable for them that we need to be understanding of we're gonna start pretty close up and then we're gonna work to a greater and greater distance hopefully but we'll see how she go guys.

How to Train a Puppy to Come to His Name?

this is great guys if you do have a long distance like this and you're trying to get them to come to you you can do something like this come on let's go let's go come on cheese because dogs love to chase it's turned into a bit of a game but see this is why you practice in a controlled environment right here because often times if they get pretty hands up don't try and run past you and turn it into a game of chase which is okay but we want to make sure that happens in a really controlled environment so they can't get away from us look at that boy I might confuse him for a greyhound I'm gonna try and throw a wild card at him and see if his parents can get him to come to them while he's distracted so I'm gonna try and throw him off a little bit so go ahead there then and call him that's what you want here's another quick tip for you on come when called let your dog go back to doing what they're doing after they come to you don't insist they come to you to a sit or a down stay for 30 seconds really make it easy for them to succeed.

Chito is clearly too-cool-for-school here he's doing terrific we're gonna go outside now and see how cheeto does in a completely new place I'm very optimistic from what I've seen so far so we're gonna have Aaron and Walker call cheeto back and forth and see how incredible he can do and if he does well with that I'm gonna show you the next step it's important to let your dog adjust initially it's also important to have good control over them which is why we have a really long lead on cheeto so he can still run but we also still have control of them so why don't you go ahead and call Walker and see if he comes to you right here make sure you reward big - because it's a new environment look at that that's it the more embarrassed you are when you're calling your dog the better job you're doing you've got to be prepared to be extra patient go in slow motion because it's much more challenging to teach in this situation good now I ran behind him snapping my fingers giving him a mild distraction there you know really proofing it.

He's still listening to you that was fantastic here we go yes good job that's it that's how you call you deal like that was awesome man one thing that I like to do as my dogs are showing more and more success is start to pair certain behaviors together for example maybe calling your dog and then asking them to sit this teaches them to start generalizing a multitude of skills look at this good ask him to sit that was really doing a terrific job congratulations on your recent engagement too and I have to know from all of you our Corgi puppies really the cutest puppies ever tell me in the comments below if you want to see more articel about how to make your dog respond when called in the description and we can interact with each other lots more over there ok guys we'll see you in the next articel good job one very good.


Master Dog Trainer School - The best place to start your dog training

the best place to start your dog training

Hey what's going on folks Bella back mashes dog training here you guys are sending me a lot of questions about international dog trainers I guess because we're we're working with the puppy now and raising the puppy halo our little German Shepherd puppy for the soldier so people want to know what are we doing on a daily basis I've done a couple of videos with him nothing very extravagant because at this stage there isn't a lot of going on it's more about raising the dog properly than then doing the the type of training people wonder about the obedience training and stuff so I'll walk you I'll walk you through a day a little bit here and and see if that clears up some of the things that we're talking about normally my puppies sleep well my dogs sleep in my room they're on the floor they sleep in my room they're not created at night once they are over a year old so they sleep where they want they tend to sleep my dogs do sleep in my room.

I've had one dog by our German Shepherd always slept at the front door he didn't sleep in the room with the other dogs the rest of them sleep around the bed on the floor with halo it's a little different we're keeping him in the living room right outside my bedroom door close by but you got to understand guys there's going to come a time where we have to give this dog up and that's going to be very tough that's going to be tough on the family there's no doubt about How to master dog training I mean we've never given a dog away before but we knew what we were doing when we got into this so and and to be fair to the dog I want that tight bond with him of course like we have with all our dogs but I got to think about the dog too when we turn him over to that family we have to have a very stable dog that's not so attached to me or my family that he suffers so at this point he sleeps in the living room in a crate of course right outside my bedroom and he's fine with that that's that's not a problem he has slept through the night since the first day I brought him home and I've never had a puppy do that before and that's a beautiful thing.

International Dog Trainers

So the way my day starts okay I wake up usually around 5:30 in the morning I get up I take the puppy out first I take halo outside I don't take him out with my other dogs at this point I do almost everything separate I don't want him being a pain in the butt to the other dogs and being distracted by the other dogs or bonding really tight with the other dogs I want him paying attention to me so at this stage he's 17 weeks old I think or 18 weeks old I still do everything separate every now and then I let him out for if I'm going to throw the ball for buddy and Luke I'll let him out to chase them around okay but everything is very structured as far as what he does with the other dogs so around 5:30 in the morning sometimes six o'clock I go to his crate I pick up a leash I don't put a leash on him in the house he's a puppy so sometimes they'll get excited in pee so for the people that asked me the same question that your puppy pees every time you go to touch him or put the leash on I could film that for you if you want to just send me some requests so what I do is I pick up the leash I go to his crate I open the door I don't make any contact with him I don't pay attention to him I don't talk to him I opened the door and I walk her all the way down the hallway to my garage door to the door that leads to the garage.

He knows the routine so he goes straight there and he waits for me at the door then I opened the door he goes out he usually gets a drink of water and then we go outside and he does his business I let him run around I let him play a little bit and then I call him to me I ask him to sit and then I put the leash on the reason I put the leash on there is I want to be able to control him on the way into the house I don't want him running around or blowing me off so I put the leash on after he's done going to the bathroom and running around have some playtime then I put the leash on now this is one other thing to pay attention to I don't always go straight in the house after I put the leash on because what happens a lot of you guys say you know the dog won't come to you you know you use the same scenarios like this and you put the dog on the leash and then what you do is you go right straight back into the house and create the dog if you do that every time do you really think that that puppy's going to want to run to you knowing that he's going to go inside and his free time is up No so sometimes I'll take them for a little walk sometimes I'll just hang with them and play with them and sometimes we go straight back in the house so I never do anything all the time I'm always mixing things up you understand what I mean so let's say at this point I go back in the house now when we're done outside.

Schools For Dog Trainers

I put him back in his crate I prepare his food I feed him while I open his crate you guys saw me what I do when I feed him I don't do that every time I feed him so he's not working and interacting with me every time I feed him so again I don't do anything all the time I'm always changing things up and keeping it fresh and mixing things up okay so I feed him as soon as he's done eating I tell him kennel up he goes back in his kennel now I take the other two dogs out buddy and Luca um sometimes I feed them first and then take them out sometimes I take them out bring them in and then feed them all right so it varies whatever whatever I feel like doing that day then I go about getting ready for work we do all that stuff before I leave for work I take halo out one more time dog training school all right he doesn't have any free time to run around the house without either a leash on him or he's in his crate period he's a seventeen week old puppy guys he is never out of my sight if he's out of my sight he is in the crate he doesn't get free time to run around and play he's a puppy if he does he's going to cause problems period he's going to have accidents he's gonna chew things and pick things up and destroy things it's normal.

so there is no free time so if he's hanging with me out of the crate there's a long line on where I can control him or he's in his crate period throughout the day we take him out several times a day training sessions are very short you know nothing planned a couple of minutes here a couple of minutes there sometimes we'll work on the basic things like come sit down in place but it may be two minutes worth of training you know we'll do a lot of playing and we'll just we'll just hang out with them socialization many people feel well I got to socialize my puppy they take that dog to places and get them around as many people they introduce them to as many people as possible and as many dogs as possible I don't do that yes we take our dog to a lot of different places we expose them to a lot of things we expose them to people and dogs but on a very limited basis okay he's met different dogs before but under my control he doesn't need to meet and play and socialize with every dog he sees and the same thing with people I want him to be around people a lot but I want him to be very neutral you know so just the other day I told some of the kids in the neighborhood I say guys listen.

I need you to help me train halo so what I need you to do is when you see him outside and he's off leash I need you to ignore him and they were devastated they're like well why why can't we play with him and I said here's the here's the reason guys he already sits there and waits for the kids to get off the school bus if you have a puppy every time someone sees him you know they get the puppy voice they get him excited they're crazy they're playing with them they're worked up what do you think that dogs going to do when he's a year old he's going to see people and he's going to want to run up and greet everyone and you can't have that so you want to have the dog's attention at all times of course you want him to be social with people but you don't have to have people physically interacting with them because what you do is you you take a good risk at someone doing something stupid to really mess that dog up a little bit you know these puppies they go through these fear periods where all of a sudden they're scared of things or you know certain things kind of freak them out you have someone that does something stupid let's face it there's a lot of people out there to do a lot of stupid things when it comes to dogs.

You know I get the question all the time hey how how should I approach a dog well approach them like I do you don't you don't approach dogs period leave the freaking dogs alone you know if the dogs really want to interact with you and I'm not talking about puppies I'm talking about dogs they'll let you know you know but uh you take a lot of risk there so I try to limit it I was a little I was a little lacks with it in the beginning so I even had to tell my family guys you gotta you gotta cut it off a little bit I know everybody wants to play with them he's a cute puppy but you know for me I just can't have and now the things I'm telling you I'm telling you what I do I'm not telling you this is what you have to do it's a must people ask what do you do with your dogs they see I have very well behaved dogs and very social dogs so they want to know I know I've been there I've done the same thing I've always wondered - so these are the things I do and you know we do this daily several times a day taking them I take them out a lot you know he's going to sleep in his crate until he is one year old.

International Dog Trainer School

No matter how well trained he is and then you know my rule of thumb is they're not left loose in the home on it you know without us being there until they're two years old sometimes it even takes a little longer depending on the type of dog but those are guidelines that I follow for a very long time and work very well so you guys asked you you know create your dogs at night do you create your dogs when you're home no what's the purpose of having a dog if they will spend their life in a crate I put a lot of work in for the first two years so I could have a very well-behaved self-sufficient dog so once we hit about two years old the dogs are free in the house you know we don't have problems ever our dogs have never destroyed anything we don't come home to the garbage knocked over but it's because of the work we put in when when when they're young you know and it goes a long way I do these workshops guys I see you know a lot of clients and what I'm seeing is so many messed up dogs I'm seeing people that compete at a high level in different dog sports but yet their dogs are a basket case you know there's so much anxiety we create this stuff in the home so these little things that I do with our dogs it goes a long way you have to be able to leave your dog alone.

If you're with a puppy 24 hours a day and he follows you from room to room then all of a sudden the dogs a year old and you decide well I have to leave them now you can't expect a dog to be okay with that and that's where a lot of these problems come from you got to start creating some separation when they're young so I'll put them in different crates even in different places you know I'll create them in the garage I'll create them in plastic crates wire crates I've recently started put hallo in the big pen you know in the garage because that's going to be a lot scarier to him it's possible anyway so what I do when I put them in there I do for just a few minutes in the beginning I make sure the other dogs are out there with them so that gives him some comfort and that's how he learns that he could stay away from us in in different places and different scenarios you have to make the dogs mentally tough at this age this is when you want to do it guys I promise you and I'm sure there's plenty of other trainers out there I get calls every day people losing their dogs because they can't create them they can't leave them uncrated because they destroy everything they suffer from from different forms of anxiety and separation and it's a horrible thing and it's very tough to deal with once it gets to that level so a lot of the training we do with the puppy it is creating that behavior.

That we want at this point all right the you know the obedience stuff that's easy all the the bite work stuff that's easy that's just a process that's just a matter of doing a process so you know that's that's what we do with our our puppy right now I hope this this makes it a little clearer for you and it's nothing special but that's that's pretty much our daily routine all right oh and another thing one last thing I think one last thing get your puppy in the car go different places too many dogs and puppies are scared to death to be in a car and then when I ask people I said well they ever been in a car yeah yeah every now and then okay where do you go and the answer is usually to the vet and to the groomer okay so every time your dog gets in the car at the end of the trip is someplace that usually causes a lot of stress they don't like to go so you have to put your dog in the car when they're young and go to the park and throw a ball or you know just go for a ride and then come back home and being the car and you know give them some food when they're hanging out with you or give them a toy just go for drives and you can't just put your dog or your puppy in a car and go to the vet and think that every time your dog gets in the car.

Detection Dog Training

It's going to be okay so prepare your puppy for the rest of its life okay you got it now guys you have to do it you have to make your dogs mentally tough so you want to expose them to everything that you could possibly think of that an adult dog may encounter in his lifetime all right thanks UH one more thing that I forgot that you guys asked me about how to master dog training you folks with a big beautiful yard that leave your young dogs your puppies in the yard all day I don't leave my dogs for one I don't have a fenced yard yeah I don't want one at this point I do not leave a puppy or a younger dog in a yard unattended at all at all because they are still going to get into things most of them are going to dig they're going to chew your gutters they're going to do something they're gonna chew outdoor furniture so no your puppy does not need alone time in the backyard so again this is just what I do you do whatever you want with your dogs but when my dogs are young especially at the puppy stage they are never unattended and you know if they are unattended they're created period all right see you oh I lied one other thing I forgot I hope just one other thing a majority of the time my puppy spends out of the crate he is off leash okay off leash I use the leash when there's a purpose for it like I said before when I put the leash to bring the dog back in the house if I don't he's going to go in the house and run around like a lunatic and get into things or not want to go back in the house or when I'm training.

Specific training exercises where the leash is there to be beneficial but for the most part my dogs from day one the majority of the time they're with me out and about they are off leash okay guys too many people they put the leash on the dog from day one and before you know it the dog is three months old four months old eight months old and the dog's been on leash forever and the second he gets off leash guess dog training what the dog is gone because it's such a novelty being off leash is never a novelty for my dogs okay long before any econ was ever started or before he colors were even being used as they are today my dogs have always been off leash it should not be a novelty for a dog to be off leash so get your puppy used to being off leash with you from day one and then it's never a big issue then they're just used to it it's not a novelty all right hope that's the last thing off leash outside not in the house you understood that part right because someone's going to say you said keep a leash on the dog all the time when he's with you in the house outside when you're doing things hanging with your dog outside that's what I meant man it's hard to cover everything folks face. I hope you have found how to master dog training in this articel, and you can make starting fast.

How Do I Train My Dog To Be Perfect?

how do i train my dog to be perfect?

Morning guys Alice here packmaster dog training woke up this morning and I had like I think 18 emails asking me about crate training how do you raise the best puppy and what I do with my dogs during the day when I'm not home I'm not really sure why I don't know if there's some kind of debate going around about crate training and leaving your dogs in the house I'm not sure but instead of responding to each and every email I'll just tell you what I do with my own dogs about 20 years ago I was working with a trainer and he gave me some of the best advice I've ever received as far as dog training goes that I stuck to from then and I stick to now and that was when I get a puppy and you're going through the crate training of course you have to use a crate there it's just a great tool the rule of thumb is.

How do you raise the best dog?

I keep my dogs in a crate at night to sleep till they're one-year-old okay no matter how housebroken they are how well trained till they're one year old they sleep in their crate when I'm not home during the day when the dogs are left home alone rule of thumb is they are created till they are two years old I do not leave them loose in the house until they are two years old that's about when they have the maturity level to where they could be trusted alone and they not going to destroy the house or do things they shouldn't be now that is literally maybe the best piece of advice I ever got and the reason we were talking about is I saw the this guy's dogs this trainers dogs the the behavior was impeccable he had perfectly behaved dogs and that's what I've always been interested in I wasn't interested in the fancy stuff and the tricks of the obedience I wanted the behavior and when I started the business several years ago I was approached by a lot of people not because my dogs did cool or fancy things they didn't

They didn't do anything they would just see me out and about with my dogs off leash no training collars no e collars no nothing and their behavior was always well so the behavior of the dogs very very important for me so when we get a puppy for the first two years we put in a lot of work and a lot of effort I'm kind of obnoxious and little OCD about it but I want to teach that dog as much as possible how to raise the best dog I want a well balanced well-behaved stable dog and the crate is an incredible tool for people that create their dogs all the time when they're not on there's nothing wrong with it you know I mean as long as you're not using the crate for punishment and you're doing all right if I put a crate in my living room tonight my dogs would fight to get in it they would love to go in it so that's just it is but for me I want my dogs loose in the house that's kind of the purpose I don't.

How To Raise A Puppy?

I don't see having a dog you know cooped up while you're not home but there's nothing wrong with it there's nothing wrong with also I don't know if there is a debate going around but that is literally some of the best advice I ever received and that was over 20 years ago again rule of thumb they sleep in their crate no matter how housebroken how well-trained to the one-year-old and they stay in the crate when no one's home till they're two years old and that's just a rule of thumb I've always stuck to and you know my dogs are self-sufficient they're in the house I've never come home to an accident in the house or they don't get into the garbage or don't take stuff off the counters they don't do any of that stuff but we put the work in for the first two years so we don't spend time fixing bad behaviors we're teaching proper behavior and the dog never develops those bad behaviors that's the trick with using the crate properly so I hope this how to raise the perfect dog clears up a few things for people but again stick to those rules and you should be really really good to go and you'll get a lot of great benefits from it okay so hope this helps.

How to Train a Puppy Not to Bite: Training Your Puppy to Stop Biting

training your puppy to stop biting

Hello government in this articel stop puppy biting fast I'm going to show you and teach you how you can stop your puppies biting habits all that and more coming up hello my name is Jack but doctrine else our coach dog owners as I post my next articel your puppy is biting your hands and arms and legs and everything this is a very common issue and I'm gonna share with you some ideas and information that will help you to deal with this issue one thing that you have to understand the reason puppies bite or nip is because the gum is itchy they're teething and they want to get rid of that irritation or the sensation that.

How To Stop A Puppy From Biting Your Feet And Hands

They have in their gum Plus dogs and animals in general they do bite each other as a play so most puppies are biting you because they want to play with you now you have to teach your puppy that you can't play with the human the same way that you will play with dogs so you want to allow your puppy to play with other puppies or dogs who are well-behaved and let them practice that behavior with other dogs or puppies now I'm going to share with you some additional information that I teach you how to stop your puppies biting and I have Bella with me Bella is a golden doodle and you're gonna learn stop a puppy from biting this is Bella and she tends to be biting she's a puppy so she turned most puppies tend to bite anyways so now she is not fighting but let's say if she was biting so what the what I would do I would say Bella no good girl and I would cut okay I would praise her now the other thing is that we went a puppy bite you want to replace it with something else so first thing is that you want to provide good mental and physical stimulation so Bella had a morning.

This morning she played a lot so that is one of the reasons she's not biting anymore now if she was biting I would have replaced the biting with the toy okay so this is the Kong it's a perfect toy for for you to provide for your puppy and you can if you bite she bites you just replace it with this Kong toy never replace with stuffed toys this stuff toys especially when there are puppy and they're chewing because when you do that they tear it apart aggressive puppy biting and they squeeze and it drives them crazy and they tear it apart and take the squeaky out of the toy so that's why they like to work on it especially when the people with this stage of their life when they're teething you don't want to give them this type of toy you want to give them this type of toy this is much healthier and safer for them to work because it's harder for them to destroy it.

When Do Puppies Stop Biting Age

It also relieves the feeding issue because the drums is irritating and it's sensitive so this also helps the chewing to stop and also get easier and also they are directing that chewing behavior towards something that you want actually there it is so that's the easiest solution for biting any time that your puppy is chewing something you want to replace it with something that it's easy for them to work on yet it's hard for them to destroy so there for you're redirecting the the biting from your hand to something else as well one of the main things that you want to provide is good mental and physical stimulation so you can see how relaxed Bella is now that's because she had a good play time so this doesn't matter it's calm now and this toy even doesn't matter anymore and chewing also doesn't happen because she's just done mentally and physically she's stimulated she's tired she's happy she's calm she's relaxed so we don't need to really focus on her body those dogs and puppies who are chores have not enough mental and physical stimulation.

That's why they're directing that behavior to was chewing your hand and things like that and therefore you want to provide mental and physical stimulation so they're calm and if you're going to direct them to choose something it should be a toy that you really don't mind them working on instead of your hand arms feet and furniture so that it goes up she's nice and calm so hopefully that makes sense kuroh so it's very important to provide mental and physical stimulation as much as you can to your puppy so that will help your dog ability physically and mentally to how stop a puppy from biting you that's my number one tip hope you enjoyed it if you have any additional questions leave those questions in the comments area you want to become an educated dog lover and have a healthy and happy well behaved dog.

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